LiDAR data collected in the fall of 2011 and spring 2012 for AAFC owned water control structures in the Cypress, Middle Creek, Pheasant Creek, Roughbark, Moosomin,Braddock,...
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The Canadian major and minor crop field trial regions were developed following extensive stakeholder consultation and have been harmonized between the Pest Management Regulatory...
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The’ Qu'Appelle Valley Lakes system – Topography and Imagery’ series consists of topographic and imagery data for lakes within the Qu'Appelle River Valley in central...
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The Grain Elevators in Canada – 2014 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as...
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This dataset is no longer maintained by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and should be considered as an archived product. For current estimates of the agricultural extent in...
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The Drought Impact Lines dataset highlights areas that have been physically impacted by drought. All drought impact lines have a drought impact label inside of them to express...
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The Grain Elevators in Canada – 2013 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as...
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The Grain Elevators in Canada – 2017 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as...
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The “Soils of Canada, Derived” national scale thematic datasets display the distribution and areal extent of soil attributes such as drainage, texture of parent material, kind...
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The Grain Elevators in Canada – 2016 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as...
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The Grain Elevators in Canada - 2019 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as...
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The Grain Elevators in Canada – 2015 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as...
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This land cover data set was derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor operating on board the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric...
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The “Agro-Pedological Atlas of Quebec” is a dataset that shows the characteristics, the fertility, the quality of the water regime, the vulnerability to degradation and the...
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The Population of Canada, 10km Gridded national scale datasets display the distribution and areal extent of rural, urban and total populations across Canada for both 2011 and...
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The ‘Land use allocation to Soils and Landforms by year’ dataset links agricultural land use activities to soils and landscapes within Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) polygons....
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