An opening's disturbance and silviculture activities reported into RESULTS. Most activities are within opening boundaries with the exception of broadcast treatments. An opening...
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RESULTS opening's forest cover polygons with inventory component provided. Current forest cover submissions into RESULTS must contain attribute and map information. However,...
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RESULTS opening's forest cover poylgons with silviculture component provided. Current forest cover subimssion into RESULTS must contain attribute and map information. However,...
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The tree species contained within RESULT's FOREST COVER inventory and silviculture components. This view contains attribute data and is intended to be joined with the other...
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RESULTS Openings are administrative boundaries for areas harvested with silviculture obligations or natural disturbances with intended forest management activities on Crown...
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Standards Units for an opening represents desired soil conservation limits and stocking outcomes for the defined net area to be reforested. An opening may have one or more...
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This layer contains attribute Opening information only and can be used in conjunction with other layers. RESULTS Openings is an administrative boundary that has been harvested...
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Planting activities reported on openings into RESULTS. More than one planting activitiy may occur within an opening. Planting activiites may also overlap. Planting attribute...
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