Catalogue Entry: Bridges (Parks) of Victoria
The bridges and structures in this dataset are representative drawings that show an approximate location. They are not based on as-builts or engineering drawings. Data are... -
Catalogue Entry: Hard Surface (Point) City of Victoria
Concrete pads, various sizes, used for picnic tables, benches and garbage cans. They remove the need for grass cutting under the fixture, provide a clean base for the users and... -
Catalogue Entry: City of Victoria - Drinking Fountains
Drinking Fountains. Includes regular fountains and bottle fillers. Data are updated by city staff as needed, and copied to the Open Data Portal on daily. The "Last Updated" date... -
Catalogue Entry: City of Victoria Park Structures
Includes structures such as: gazebos, pumphouses, shades/arbors, storage buildings, sports huts, outbuildings, washrooms, sheds, concessions, aviary, shelters. Data are updated... -
Catalogue Entry: Park Paths(City of Victoria)
The "Park Paths" dataset from the City of Victoria catalogs different types of park path surfaces, including asphalt, wood fiber/mulch, concrete, and granular materials,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- shapefile, geography markup language, file geodatabase, esri® rest, web mapping service (wms)