Fish consumption advisories for Ontario's lakes and rivers are available in the Guide to Eating Ontario Fish. The zip file below includes a GIS shapefile of all lake/river...
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Bathymetry is the measurement of water depth in lakes. From the 1940s to the 1990s, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry produced bathymetry maps for over 11,000 lakes...
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This dataset contains manmade linear features in a transportation network, such as bridges and railway tunnels. It does not include roads. The linear features included are: *...
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The OHN is a provincial medium scale originating from data with regional scales of 1: 10,000 in Southern Ontario, 1: 20,000 in Northern Ontario and 1: 50,000 in the Far North....
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Statistics include the flood magnitude with the following recurrence intervals: * 1:2 years * 1:2.33 years * 1: 5 years * 1:10 years * 1:20 years * 1:25 years * 1:50 years *...
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Ontario Integrated Hydrology (OIH) data is used to generate watersheds and support provincial-scale hydrology applications including: * watershed generation * hydrologic...
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This dataset consists of man-made point features in a transportation network. Transport point features include: * Culvert Railway Symbolized - a enclosed drain under a railway *...
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This data was produced in 1999 by rationalizing a 48-class database into 28 distinct classes. The original database was derived from digital, multispectral Landsat Thematic...
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A feature is a representation of a real world object, such as a lake, stream, dam or rapid. There are three hydrographic feature classes: points, lines and polys. All may impede...
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A feature is a representation of a real world object, such as a lake, stream, dam or rapid. There are three hydrographic feature classes: points, lines and polys. All may impede...
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This historic dataset includes data reported under Ontario’s now revoked Emissions Trading Program regulations (O. Reg. 397/01: Emissions Trading and O. Reg. 194/05: Industry...
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Depicts the internal boundaries of the Niagara Escarpment Plan area. The 7 land use designations are: * escarpment natural area * escarpment protection area * escarpment rural...
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The flood magnitude statistics can be used for applications such as flood plain delineation and design of hydraulic structures. The drought severity statistics can be used for...
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Data is collected each year, according to the lake-by-lake cycle. Information includes: * sediment chemistry * approximately 80 index and reference stations throughout the Great...
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This dataset was created to provide land use information on the Oak Ridges Moraine and is the basis for Ontario Regulation 140/02. The data was digitized at 1:10,000 or better...
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The digital elevation models (DEM) are 2 m resolution raster elevation products that were generated from the Ontario Classified Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) data. The point...
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Companies or organizations who take over 50,000 litres of water/day from a lake, river, stream or groundwater source, must obtain a Permit to Take Water from the Ministry of the...
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This dataset contains miscellaneous point features including: * mine head frames * cadastral iron bar (a type of survey monument) * historical monuments * horizontal control...
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Data set contains geographical referencing information like: * type of feature or place * location coordinates * geographic township * municipal and map references Also contains...
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