Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international average air fares, by fare type group, quarterly
Quarterly domestic (short and long haul) and international air fares, by fare type group (business class, economy, discounted and other).-
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Catalogue Entry: DogWhistle: Cant Understanding Data
DogWhistle is a Chinese dataset collected from the historical records for an online game. It provides hidden words and the cant for them, with human answers. The dataset is...-
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Catalogue Entry: Discount fare traffic, by sector, quarterly
Discount fare traffic, by sector (domestic, domestic short-haul, domestic long-haul, international, domestic and international), for scheduled services of level I Canadian air...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation productivity measures, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and...
Quarterly civil aviation productivity measures (operating revenue per employee and tonne-kilometres flown per employee), for Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II combined. The...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation operating statistics, by type of service, Canadian air...
Quarterly civil aviation operating statistics (passengers, goods carried (kilograms), passenger-kilometres, passenger tonne-kilometres, goods tonne-kilometres, total tonne-...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation operating statistics, by sector, Canadian air carriers,...
Quarterly civil aviation operating statistics (passengers, goods carried (kilograms), passenger-kilometres, passenger tonne-kilometres, goods tonne-kilometres, total tonne-...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation financial performance indicators, Canadian air carriers,...
Quarterly civil aviation financial performance indicators (operating ratio, operating profit margin and profit margin), for Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II combined. The...-
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Catalogue Entry: City Theatres - Mississauga
City theatre landmark data. -
Catalogue Entry: City Libraries - Mississauga
City library locations. -
Catalogue Entry: City Landmarks - Mississauga
City landmarks locations. -
Catalogue Entry: Average domestic fares for Canada and ten major cities, quarterly
Average domestic fares for Canada and ten major cities of enplanement, for scheduled services of Level I Canadian air carriers, quarterly.-
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Catalogue Entry: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Urban Population by Country 2000-2050 (Percent)
Average exponential rate of growth of the urban population over a given period. It is calculated as ln(UPt/UP0)/n where n is the length of the period and UP is the urban...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Percentage Urban Population by Area...
Average exponential rate of change of the percentage urban over a given period. It is calculated as ln(PUt/PU0)/n where n is the length of the period and PU is the percentage...-
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Catalogue Entry: Approved Film Permits - Mississauga
Number of film permits issued, filming days and permits by film type from 2015-2018.-
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Catalogue Entry: Approved Culture Grants for the City of Mississauga
Approved Culture Grants for the city of Mississauga from 2013-2018.-
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Catalogue Entry: Annual Rate of Population Change of Urban Agglomerations 1995 - 2035 (Percent)
The annual rate of population change for urban agglomerations which had a population of 300,000 or more in 2018. "Urban agglomeration" as the unit of measurement follows a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Aircraft movements, by class of operation and type of operation, airports...
Monthly aircraft movements, by class of operation (itinerant and local) and type of operation (commercial, private, civil and military), for airports without air traffic control...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Aircraft movements, by class of operation and peak hour and peak day of...
Monthly aircraft movements (itinerant and local) by rank, number, peak hour and peak day, for airports with NAV CANADA flight service stations.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Aircraft movements, by class of operation and peak hour and peak day of...
Monthly aircraft movements (itinerant and local) by rank, number, peak hour and peak day, for airports with NAV CANADA towers.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Aircraft movements, by civil and military movements, airports with NAV...
Monthly aircraft movements (civil itinerant, civil local, military itinerant, military local) for airports with NAV CANADA towers.-
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