Catalogue Entry: Bioterrain Mapping (TBT) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table Spatial View
Bioterrain (TBT) contains polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. TBT... -
Catalogue Entry: Reconnaissance Karst Potential Mapping
An interpretation of bedrock geology, topography and other sources of information that shows the potential for karst formations. This is a reconnaissance level map for all of... -
Catalogue Entry: BEC Map
The current and most detailed version of the approved corporate provincial digital Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Zone/Subzone/Variant/Phase map (version 12,... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of crash barriers and impact mitigators
The City of Montreal's Road Infrastructure Department (SIRR) is responsible for managing and maintaining restraint systems on its territory. Knowledge of the inventory of these... -
Catalogue Entry: Dawson Bay Isopach
Dawson Bay Isopach -
Catalogue Entry: First Red Beds Zero Edge
First Red Beds Zero Edge -
Catalogue Entry: Colorado Zero Edge
These structure, isopach and zero edge files are part of a series of stratigraphic framework maps for the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems (SPFPS) project.... -
Catalogue Entry: Souris River Structure
Souris River Structure -
Catalogue Entry: Three Forks Isopach
These structure, isopach and zero edge files are part of a series of stratigraphic framework maps for the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems (SPFPS) project.... -
Catalogue Entry: Birdbear Zero Edge
Birdbear Zero Edge -
Catalogue Entry: Kisbey Zero Edge
These structure, isopach and zero edge files are part of a series of stratigraphic framework maps for the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems (SPFPS) project.... -
Catalogue Entry: Souris Valley Isopach
These structure, isopach and zero edge files are part of a series of stratigraphic framework maps for the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems (SPFPS) project.... -
Catalogue Entry: Dawson Bay Zero Edge
Dawson Bay Zero Edge -
Catalogue Entry: Viking Newcastle Flotten Lake Zero Edge
Viking Newcastle Flotten Lake Zero Edge -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Public Library Branch Locations
This dataset is retired. More up to date information on this subject can be found on this newer open data page The locations of the existing library branches within the City of... -
Catalogue Entry: Polling Divisions - Provincial, 2014
This dataset represents the 2014 provincial polling divisions as polygons. Polling divisions are used to assign voters to ballot boxes and polling locations. Attributes: Poll... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba COVID-19 and Flu - Vaccination Sites
This point layer displays the location of COVID-19 and flu vaccine providers within the province of Manitoba. This point layer displays the location of COVID-19 and flu vaccine... -
Catalogue Entry: Emergency Social Services Facilities BC
During a declared emergency event, this dataset will include the facilities that provide Emergency Social Service assistance. -
Catalogue Entry: Art Galleries in Mississauga
City art gallery landmark data. -
Catalogue Entry: Community Support Service (CSS) locations
Geographical information about community support services in the home or community. Community Support services help people to maintain their safety and independence while living...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- shapefile, geography markup language, file geodatabase, esri® rest, web mapping service (wms)