Catalogue Entry: Library Visits
This dataset shows the annual visits at Toronto Public Library branches. Visits are generally counted using sensors located at branch entrances and this activity is recorded... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Card Registrations
This dataset shows the annual library card registrations at Toronto Public Library branches. A registration is defined as an individual initially signing up for a TPL card (it... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Circulation
This dataset shows the annual circulation of materials at Toronto Public Library branches. Circulation is defined as a combination of first-time checkouts (i.e. when items are... -
Catalogue Entry: Immunization Coverage for students
In Ontario, the ISPA requires children who attend elementary and secondary school to be vaccinated or have a valid exemption provided to their local public health unit. As a... -
Catalogue Entry: Library Workstation Usage
This dataset shows the annual computer workstation sessions at Toronto Public Library branches. This covers public workstations that can be booked in advance and “drop-in”... -
Catalogue Entry: Civic Issue Campaign Results
The Open Data team launched a campaign in order to help identify as well as prioritize the release of high-quality, in-demand datasets related to the City’s 5 priority civic... -
Catalogue Entry: Neighbourhood Profiles
The Census of Population is held across Canada every 5 years and collects data about age and sex, families and households, language, immigration and internal migration,... -
Catalogue Entry: Police Annual Statistical Report - Shooting Occurrences
The Toronto’s Police Service Annual Statistical Report (ASR) is a comprehensive overview of police related statistics including reported crimes, victims of crime, search of... -
Catalogue Entry: MBNCanada Performance Measures
Publicly reportable performance measures data from City of Toronto's participation in the annual Municipal Benchmarking Network Canada (MBNCanada) data call. -
Catalogue Entry: Solid Waste Collection Schedule
This dataset contains the schedules for Organics (Green Bin), Garbage, Recycling (Blue Bin), Yard Waste and Christmas Trees for single-family residential households (less than 9... -
Catalogue Entry: Daily Shelter Occupancy
The data set provides a listing of all the active shelters serving the City of Toronto area. Included in the dataset is the name of the shelter, program name, sector served... -
Catalogue Entry: COVID-19 Cases in Toronto
Toronto Public Health (TPH) shared anonymized, person-level information for all COVID-19 cases reported from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2020. As case and... -
Catalogue Entry: Deaths of People Experiencing Homelessness
Starting in January 2017, Toronto Public Health (TPH) began tracking the deaths of people experiencing homelessness to get a more accurate estimate of the number of deaths and... -
Catalogue Entry: Toronto Police Budget
This dataset includes a line-by-line breakdown of the Toronto Police Service’s approved budget and actual expenditures at a Service-wide level. Approved budget and actual... -
Catalogue Entry: Chemical Tracking (ChemTrac)
The ChemTRAC program is temporarily suspended, effective May 18, 2020 and will not be able to accept annual reports or provide support to facilities. Municipal Code Chapter 423,... -
Catalogue Entry: Doors Open Toronto 2016
This dataset lists all properties participating in Doors Open Toronto on Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29, 2016. The dataset comprises more than 130 architecturally,... -
Catalogue Entry: Doors Open Toronto 2017
This dataset lists all properties participating in Doors Open Toronto on Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28, 2017. The dataset includes 150 architecturally, historically,... -
Catalogue Entry: Doors Open Toronto 2018
This dataset lists all properties participating in Doors Open Toronto on Saturday, May 26 and Sunday, May 27, 2018. The dataset includes 130 architecturally, historically,... -
Catalogue Entry: Councillors' Constituency Services & Office Expense Reporting
Each Councillor has a constituency services and office budget to pay for expenses that are allowable under the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy*. This dataset... -
Catalogue Entry: Council Business Travel Expenses
Councillors who fulfill an official capacity with a municipal organization of which the City is a member are reimbursed from the Council Business Travel Budget for their travel...