Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned road assets by year of completed construction,...
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned roads for all provinces and territories by year of completed construction. Values are presented in... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of municipally owned road assets by year of completed...
Year of completed construction of municipally owned roads for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. Values are presented in kilometres and... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of publicly owned road assets by physical condition...
Distribution by physical condition rating of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned roads. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of municipally owned road assets by physical...
Distribution of physical condition rating for municipally owned roads for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets, Infrastructure Canada, inactive
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned bridges, culverts and tunnels for all provinces and territories. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets, by urban and rural,...
Number of municipally owned bridges, culverts and tunnels in all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets by year of completed...
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned bridges, culverts and tunnels for all provinces and territories by year of completed construction. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets by year of completed...
Year of construction of municipally owned bridges, culverts and tunnels in all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets by...
Distribution of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned bridges, culverts and tunnels for all provinces and territories by physical condition rating. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets by...
Distribution of the physical condition rating of municipally owned bridges, culverts and tunnels in all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned road assets, Infrastructure Canada, inactive
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned roads for all provinces and territories. Values are presented in kilometres. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of municipally owned road assets, by urban and rural, and...
Number of municipally owned roads for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. Values are presented in kilometres. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned public transit assets, Infrastructure Canada, inactive
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of municipally owned public transit assets, by urban and rural,...
Number of municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned public transit assets by year of completed...
Number of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories by year of completed construction or year... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of publicly owned public transit assets by year of completed...
Year of completed construction or purchase of municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. Values are... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of publicly owned public transit assets by physical...
Distribution by physical condition rating of provincially, territorially, regionally and municipally owned public transit assets. -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory distribution of municipally owned public transit assets by...
Distribution of physical condition rating for municipally owned public transit assets for all provinces and territories, by urban and rural and population size. -
Catalogue Entry: NTS Grid 1:20 000
This dataset is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Note that the distribution contact is different for the general public than for... -
Catalogue Entry: Renewable Energy Wildlife Habitat Sensitivity Risk
The goal of this dataset is to help guide the site selection process to areas with lower risk to Alberta's wildlife and wildlife habitat. The dataset was developed in concert...