This feature class represents Manitoba's Forest Management Licence (FML) boundaries. The Forest Act provides for the establishment of Forest Management Licences to provide a...
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This dataset shows official trails and points of interest within Wildlife Management Areas in Manitoba. This dataset shows official trails and points of interest within Wildlife...
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This map data displays environmental discharges (spills) in Saskatchewan with location, confirmed substance and quantity. This data is limited to events that occurred between...
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The purpose of this dataset is to give an accurate representation of the boundaries of lands closed to hunting in Manitoba. The purpose of this dataset is to give an accurate...
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This line and polygon dataset was created to provide a record of the designated Provincial Waterways in Manitoba. This database contains lines and polygons showing the locations...
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Wildlife Refuges in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Wildlife Refuges are described in Part V of the Wildlife Management Zones and Special Areas Boundaries Regulations (WMZSABR)....
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Polyline feature layer of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks. This feature layer contains polylines showing locations of winter trails in Manitoba provincial parks....
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This feature class represents Manitoba's Forest Management Unit (FMU) boundaries. Forest Management Units (FMU's) define a forested area with common forest conditions that are...
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This boundary layer shows all Special Conservation Areas (SCA) in Manitoba. The purpose of this dataset is to show the boundaries of all Special Conservation Areas (SCA) in...
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The Wildlife Management Zone polygons are a representation of the zones as described in legislation. They are used for the management of wildlife in Saskatchewan. Wildlife...
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This boundary layer shows all 92 provincial parks and one park reserve in Manitoba. This boundary layer shows all 92 provincial parks and one park reserve in Manitoba. The...
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Feature layer of solid waste sites and waste transfer stations registered with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Support (WRARS) Program as well as First Nations landfills....
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Feature layer of Fish Shed locations (Fish Packing Stations) across Manitoba. This feature layer - which is used in the Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Map and the Manitoba...
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This line and polygon dataset was created to provide a record of the designated Provincial Waterways in Manitoba. This database contains lines and polygons showing the locations...
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Point feature layer showing the locations of winter trail and recreation areas in Manitoba's provincial parks. Point feature layer showing the locations of winter trail and...
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The purpose of this dataset is to show the Near-Urban Centrefire Prohibition Area (NUCPA) in Manitoba. The Near-Urban Centrefire Prohibition Area (NUCPA) is a provincially-...
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Saskatchewan Mining and Industrial facilities with permits managed by Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (Environmental Protection Branch). The Ministry of Environment manages...
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This map data displays environmentally impacted sites in Saskatchewan with location, confirmed substance and current status. The Ministry of Environment is responsible for...
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Updated 2024-09-20. Feature layer of current Boil Water Advisories issued for Public Water Systems (PWS) in Manitoba. Feature layer of current Boil Water Advisories issued for...
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