The probability of maximum wind above 50km/h (mdws50_prob). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted probability is available daily from September 1 to August 31. Week 3 and week 4...
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The greatest daily precipitation over the forecast period (p1d). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted index is available daily from September 1 to August 31. Week 3 and week 4...
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Probability of daily precipitation above 10mm over the forecast period (p1d10_prob). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted probability is available daily from September 1 to August 31....
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Probability of 10-day precipitation total above 100mm (p10d_prob100). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted probability is available daily from September 1 to August 31. Week 3 and week...
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Probability of total precipitation above 25mm over the forecast period (pweek25_prob). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted probability is available daily from September 1 to August 31....
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The number of days during the forecast period with an average wind speed greater than 30 km/h and a maximum temperature above 30°C (drying). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted index...
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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) created from LiDAR data captured by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL). The DEM represent s the elevation of the landscape covered by this...
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Probability of the daily precipitation above 2mm over the forecast period (p1d2_prob). Week 1 and week 2 forecasted probability is available daily from September 1 to August 31....
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An accumulated value of heat degrees that the average temperature is above a specified threshold, 10°C for warm season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5...
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Probability of total precipitation above 100mm over the forecast period (pweek100_prob) Week 1 and week 2 forecasted probability is available daily from September 1 to August...
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The probability of effective growing season degree days above 175 for warm season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive days in order for EGDD to...
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The probability of effective growing season degree days above 100 for cool season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive days in order for EGDD to...
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The probability of effective growing season degree days above 175 for cool season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive days in order for EGDD to...
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The LiDAR data was produced for an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada land and water resource study. The data is required to produce high resolution DEMs to improve hydrologic and...
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The probability of effective growing season degree days above 250 for cool season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5 consecutive days in order for EGDD to...
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An accumulated value of heat degrees that the average temperature is above a specified threshold, 5°C for cool season crops. This condition must be maintained for at least 5...
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This data shows spatial density of oats cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which oats are more...
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This data shows spatial density of Corn cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Corn is more...
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This data shows spatial density of flax cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which flax is more...
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This data shows spatial density of peas cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which peas are more...
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