This table contains information about the number of cases reported, inspections conducted, and non-compliances to The Animal Care Act from 2016 to present. This table contains...
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This table contains information about the status, actions and outcomes from inspections conducted by Animal Protection Officers (APO) and prosecutions in the Manitoba Animal...
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Table containing information relevant to animal disease investigations in Manitoba from 2012 to present. This table contains information relevant to animal disease...
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This table contains information about 11 animal types associated with assigned cases in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program. This table contains information about animal types,...
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This data table contains Consumer Price Index (CPI) monthly summary statistics for food categories, as well as year-to-date CPI data for Manitoba and other provincial...
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This data table contains Consumer Price Index (CPI) monthly summary statistics for food categories in Manitoba and other provincial jurisdictions in Canada, from 2002 to...
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Displays the levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers to enforce the Manitoba Food and Food Handling Establishment Regulations when food safety violations are...
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This table contains information about non-compliances to five sections under The Animal Care Act. This table contains information about the number of non-compliances found to...
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Layer of dots showing where custom packaging services in Manitoba are located. This dot layer shows where custom packaging services in Manitoba are located. A contract packager...
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Feature point layer showing locations of community kitchens available for rent in Manitoba This feature point layer shows locations of community kitchens available for rent in...
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This set presents the list of food establishments located in the Montreal agglomeration and under the responsibility of the Food Inspection Division of the City of Montreal that...
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The results of the food inspection of this complex indicate the important work carried out by the City on the territory of the agglomeration of Montreal under the powers...
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This table contains data on food processing facilities in the province. This table, created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture, contains...
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This dataset provides a list of technical agricultural publications with up-to-date information on field crop, livestock and horticultural practices. Many publications are free...
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