Catalogue Entry: Vacancy rates, row and apartment structures of three units and over,...
Vacancy rates, row and apartment structures of three units and over, privately initiated in census agglomerations of 10,000 to 49,999 and cities, weighted average and 50,000 and... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing starts, all areas, Canada and provinces
Housing starts, all areas, Canada and provinces, 6-month moving average and seasonally adjusted at annual rates -
Catalogue Entry: Housing starts in all centres 10,000 and over, Canada, provinces, and...
Housing starts in all centres 10,000 and over, Canada, provinces, and selected census metropolitan areas, 6-month moving average and seasonally adjusted at annual rates -
Catalogue Entry: Preliminary housing starts
Preliminary housing starts in census metropolitan areas, urban centres of 10,000 and over, and all areas, seasonally adjusted at annual rates. -
Catalogue Entry: Mortgage loan approvals
Mortgage loan approvals for existing properties, new properties and new residential construction and existing residential properties. -
Catalogue Entry: Vacancy rates, apartment structures of six units and over, privately...
Vacancy rates, apartment structures of six units and over, privately initiated in urban centres of 50,000 and over -
Catalogue Entry: Housing starts, all rural areas, Canada and provinces, 6-month moving average
Housing starts, all rural areas, Canada and provinces, 6-month moving average and seasonally adjusted at annual rates -
Catalogue Entry: Housing starts, under construction and completions, all areas
Housing starts, under construction and completions, all areas -
Catalogue Entry: Vacancy rates, apartment structures of six units and over, privately...
Vacancy rates, apartment structures of six units and over, privately initiated in census metropolitan areas -
Catalogue Entry: Medical Devices Active Licence Listing (MDALL)
MDALL contains product-specific information on all medical devices that are currently licensed for sale in Canada, or have been licensed in the past. -
Catalogue Entry: Other Carriers (e.g. Satellite carriers) - Registration List
List of other Carriers such as Satellite-based providers. -
Catalogue Entry: Resellers of High Speed Retail Internet Service (RHSRIS) - Registration List
List of entities that sell or lease internet services provided by a Canadian Carrier to the Reseller on a wholesale basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Archived - Government of Canada Spend Data
The Spend Cube dataset is a summary of procurement expenditure data at the Government of Canada level. It is derived from expenditure data submitted annually from 55 departments... -
Catalogue Entry: NEOSSAT - Astronomy Data
The dataset includes the astronomical images from the Near-Earth Object Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat). NEOSSat was launched on February 25, 2013 and it is the first space... -
Catalogue Entry: Archived - Government of Canada Payment Volumes
Public Services and Procurement Canada, in its role as Receiver General for Canada, issues payments on behalf of all federal departments, agencies and some Crown corporations.... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian General Standards Board - Reselling partners Standards Sales report
Quarterly reports received from Canadian General Standards Board' reselling partners. Contains date of purchase, standard, type of product sold. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian General Standards Board - Draft Documents Available for Public Review
A list of Canadian General Standards Board draft standards available for public review in order to be in compliance with the national standards system. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian General Standards Board - Catalogue
A list of Canadian General Standards Board publications for sale. Contains price, standard name, standard designation and date published, as well as an international coding... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian General Standards Board - Certification and Qualification Program Lists
Canadian General Standards Board list of certification and qualification programs. List contains company name and location, product or services description, date of listing and... -
Catalogue Entry: Archived - Advertising Expenditures by Fiscal Year
This dataset contains the advertising expenditures of the Government of Canada from 2006-2007 to 2015-2016. Starting in 2017, Public Services and Procurement Canada has...