This product provides information on Farm Supply and Disposition of Alberta Principal Field Crops, over an eight-year period. Total Supply (Opening Stocks August 1 and...
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This product provides information on Pigs (number of Head) on Alberta Farms, at July 1, for a twenty-seven year period. Total number of Pigs in Alberta vs. Canada; and Alberta...
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This product provides information on the Value ($) and Percent Change(%) from previous Year of Alberta Agri-Food Exports to European Union (EU) and Trans-Pacific Partnership...
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This product provides information on Average Feeder Cattle Prices, Southern Alberta, over a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and...
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This product provides information on Average Feeder Cattle Prices, Northern Alberta, for a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and...
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This Product provides information on the Value of Agricultural Production in Alberta from 2009 to 2014. Total Tonnes of Crop Production; Average Farm Value (dollars per tonnes);...
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This product provides information on Livestock (Cattle and Calves; Pigs, Sheep and Lambs) number of Head on Farms, Canada and Provinces, at July 1, over a twelve-year period.
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This product provides information on Alberta Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciations for a 30-year period. Detailed operating expenses to name a few such as property taxes,...
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This product provides information on Production, Disposition and Value of Eggs, Alberta, for a ten-year period. Production of Eggs by Average number of layers, by number od...
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This product provides information on Alberta Direct to Packer Sales, annual number sold and Weighted average prices ($ per 100 lbs) for a ten-year period. Monthly figures for...
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This products provides information on Alberta Farm Cash Receipts from the Sales of Crops during a 30-year period. Total Crop Market Cash Receipts of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye,...
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Historical Manitoba market hog prices and United States iso-wean and feeder pig prices represented as interactive charts. These interactive charts illustrate prices paid for...
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Historical Manitoba market crop prices, represented as interactive charts. These interactive charts illustrate prices offered for crops in Manitoba for the last 10 years. The...
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This table contains data on whole and partial condemnation and slaughtering from 2015 to 2022. This table contains data on whole and partial condemnation and slaughtering from...
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Manitoba market hog prices and United States (U.S.) iso-wean pig and feeder pig prices weekly and monthly, for the last 10 years. The table represents prices paid for market...
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Historical Manitoba market crop prices, based on weekly surveys of grain buyers' pricing This table contains weekly and monthly prices for different crops, based on weekly...
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Manitoba market crop prices, represented as interactive charts. These interactive charts illustrate prices offered for crops in Manitoba in current and previous years. The...
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Manitoba market crop prices, based on weekly surveys of grain buyers' pricing This table contains weekly and monthly average prices for different Manitoba crops. Prices are...
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