Dataset indicates the total number of contracts by fiscal year, total coverage provided for all plans under the Crop and Animal Insurance Act, total premiums, as well as all...
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Wave time series data collected at various locations throughout the waters of Yarmouth County by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture’s Aquaculture Division.
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Farm Registration is a voluntary annual program that provides managed access to government programs by farm businesses, collection of farm information to develop agricultural...
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The purpose of this plan is to provide for insurance against a loss of poultry resulting from the detection of a disease designated as a peril under the Poultry Insurance Plan...
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This Alberta Official Statistic contains 2000-2014 crop production data. Crop production statistics are designed to provide accurate and timely estimates of production of major...
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This directory provides a comprehensive database of agricultural processing companies and industry organizations in Alberta. It is maintained as a reference for use by the...
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