Catalogue Entry: Feral Horse Minimum Count
This dataset provides the point locations of horse bands as they were observed during annual aerial surveys. Equine Management Zones are surveyed using a helicopter and horses... -
Catalogue Entry: Cervid ecological zones
Broad management guidance is applied across each Cervid Ecological Zone (CEZ) to help set local population and habitat objectives. CEZs reflect the overarching cervid management...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Bear management area
A bear management area is a polygon feature that identifies a ministry-regulated boundary used to manage, administer and enforce the licensed black bear hunting tourism program.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Base - Small Scale Topographic
The distribution of Base - Small Scale Topographic data to the public is provided by AltaLIS Ltd., distributing agent for the Alberta Data Partnerships Ltd. (ADP), formerly...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Historical wildfire data : 1983 to 1995
Dataset including information on wildfires in the province of Alberta from 1983 to 1995, inclusive. Information tracked for each fire includes: cause, size, location (latitude... -
Catalogue Entry: Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem inventory
This dataset contains the Great Lakes Shoreline Ecosystem (GLSE) inventory, which is a geospatial digital inventory of: * ecosite polygon mapping * field survey calibration... -
Catalogue Entry: Aquatic ecosystem classification for Ontario (AEC)
The aquatic ecosystem classification (AEC) is a science-based tool that groups and classifies Ontario’s rivers and streams based on their: * physical attributes, such as water...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Trapline area
A trapline area is a polygon feature that identifies a ministry-regulated boundary used to administer traplines and fur management programs.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Township System to Census Subdivision Concordance
Concordance file showing which Census Subdivision a particular Township land parcel is in. Also has geo-coordinate for CSD centre. For general use purposes, as some inaccuracies... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Natural Resources area, district and region administrative...
This data represents the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) administrative boundaries from 1997-2022. Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) administrative areas divide Ontario...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Water Taking
Volumes of water taken daily and annually under a Permit-to-Take-Water, as reported to the ministry under the Water Taking and Transfer Regulation 387/04. The Ontario Water... -
Catalogue Entry: 2016 EBAM Horse River Wildfire Hourly Data
Hourly data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks using Beta-attenuation Particulate Monitors (EBAMs) as part of emergency response monitoring during the 2016 Horse River... -
Catalogue Entry: Independent Environmental Monitoring Program
The objective of the Independent Environmental Monitoring Program (IEMP) is to build Indigenous and public trust in the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's (CNSC) regulation of... -
Catalogue Entry: Watershed Subdistricts
The purpose of this dataset is to provide the public with the areal extents of the watershed sub districts in Manitoba. The Watershed Districts Act, proclaimed on January 1,... -
Catalogue Entry: Air Quality and Climate Monitoring: Unverified Hourly Air Quality and...
Unverified raw hourly air pollutant monitoring and meteorological data collected by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. These data sets contain air quality... -
Catalogue Entry: 2015 - Anthropogenic disturbance footprint within boreal caribou ranges...
As part of a scientific assessment of critical habitat for boreal woodland caribou (Environment Canada 2011, see full reference in accompanying documentation), Environment... -
Catalogue Entry: Area fugitive emissions from oil sands mines
This greenhouse gas emissions dataset shows area fugitive emission from tailings ponds and mine face at the oil sands mining facilities in Alberta. The data were reported... -
Catalogue Entry: 2016 MAML Horse River Wildfire Hourly Data
Hourly data collected by Alberta Environment and Parks using a mobile atmospheric monitoring laboratory (MAML) as part of emergency response monitoring during the 2016 Horse... -
Catalogue Entry: RSQA - Metal pollutants
Atmospheric concentrations of metal pollutants sampled on the island of Montreal. This program is part of the activities of the Air Quality Monitoring Network (RSQA) and... -
Catalogue Entry: List of sites receiving contaminated soil in Quebec for public use
This list identifies the sites receiving contaminated soil in Quebec for public use. This list was established using data extracted from the MELCCFP's Traces Québec system as of...