Catalogue Entry: Mountain Goat - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Black Guillemot - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Game Management Areas - 250k
Game Management Areas (GMAs) are legal boundaries that define an area within which big game management objectives can be met through the setting of area-specific regulations. In... -
Catalogue Entry: Trapping Concessions - 250k
Registered Trapping Concessions (RTCs) are legal boundaries that define an area where the holder of the concession has the exclusive right to trap furbearing animals. Because... -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Biological Information
Created for distribution by the GeoYukon application as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available Biological information in the Yukon government. This data may be used... -
Catalogue Entry: Coal Exploration Licenses - 50k
The administration of coal projects in the Yukon is governed under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act (TLYA) and the Coal Regulations enabled under the TLYA. The land use permits... -
Catalogue Entry: First Nation Heritage Routes
The following Heritage Routes, are recognized as having cultural and heritage significance to the First Nation People. This dataset has been corrected from the original to... -
Catalogue Entry: Shorebird - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Bear - wildlife key area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Raptor - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Placer Watersheds - 50k
The dataset contains data for placer watersheds locations. The dataset covers 18 watersheds within the Yukon Territory. The following watersheds form the principle boundaries of... -
Catalogue Entry: Waterfowl - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Lots For Sale Point - Surveyed
Points identifying surveyed lots available for sale over the counter or in a land lottery or tender at the Land Management Branch. Lot availability is subject to change. Contact... -
Catalogue Entry: Mineral claim adjoining parcels - 50k
When the tenure data differs from the actual post locations on the ground, we use adjoining parcels to show that the area has no open ground. Distributed from GeoYukon by the... -
Catalogue Entry: Footprints Medium Resolution Satellites
Footprints for all images in the Yukon G overnment Satellites Medium Resolution I mage S ervice s . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital... -
Catalogue Entry: Thinhorn Sheep - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Woodland Caribou - Level 3 - Wildlife Key Area - 250k
Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of... -
Catalogue Entry: Water data catalogue
The Water Data Catalogue web mapping application allows users to search for water monitoring sites across the territory.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Education facilities - 50k
This dataset provides the location of Yukon's education facilities ranging from elementary to post-seondary education. The data also includes contact information and general... -
Catalogue Entry: Topographic maps
Find and download Yukon topographic maps-
File available for download in the following formats: