Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation wages and salaries paid, by sector, by province and...
Annual data on civil aviation wages and salaries paid, by sector (total, domestic and international, domestic and international), by province and territory. Data are for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international itinerant movements, by type of operation,...
Annual itinerant movements (domestic, transborder and international) by type of operation (level I-III and foreign air carriers, level IV-VI, other commercial, private,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by aircraft maximum take-off weight, airports with NAV...
Annual itinerant movements by aircraft weight group, broken down by maximum take-off weight categories ranging from under 2,000 kgs to over 136,000 kgs, for airports with NAV...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by instrument flight rules, visual flight rules and...
Annual itinerant movements by instrument flight rules (I.F.R.), % of IFR flights, visual flight rules (V.F.R.), % of VFR flights, and runway 88 movements, for airports with NAV...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by type of operation, airports with NAV CANADA towers, annual
Annual itinerant movements by type of operation (level I-III and foreign air carriers, level IV-VI, other commercial, private, government civil and government military) for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by weight group and type of power plant, airports...
Annual aircraft movements, by class of operation (itinerant and local) and type of operation (commercial, private, civil and military), for airports without air traffic control...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air passenger origin and destination, transborder portions of international...
Air passenger origin and destination data (passenger numbers, city rank), for transborder portions of international journeys, by total outbound and inbound passengers exceeding...-
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Catalogue Entry: Passenger air services price index
Passenger air services price index (PASPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Annual data are available from 2006. The table presents data for the most...-
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Catalogue Entry: Passenger air services price index, percentage change
Passenger air services price index (PASPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Annual data are available from 2007. The table presents the year-over-year...-
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Catalogue Entry: Itinerant movements, by type of power plant, airports with NAV CANADA towers, annual
Annual itinerant movements by type of power plant (jet engines, turbo-propellers, piston engines, helicopters and gliders) for airports with NAV CANADA towers.-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian vehicle survey, vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes, passenger-kilometres by...
This table contains 9 series, with data for years 2000 - 2003 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years), and was last released on 2007-08-23. This table...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada's east coast container ports. Do they compete with or complement one...
This report uses container data from two sources, Statistics Canada's marine international Origin/Destination (O/D) database and Journal of Commerce P.I.E.R.S. data (provided by...-
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Catalogue Entry: Annual Survey of Water Carriers, 2001
To provide data users with financial and operational data from Canadian-domiciled water carriers whose principle activity is marine transport.-
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Catalogue Entry: An industry with many faces: Global balance sheets analysis of for-hire...
This paper first describes the statistical tools used to make these measurements. We will then present the results obtained by applying these tools to the financial databases...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Carrier Traffic at Canadian Airports
This publication presents statistics on airline traffic such as the volume of flights, passengers and cargo, at Canadian airports. Data on Canadian and foreign airlines'...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian domiciled marine carriers, 1995
The universe of Canadian marine transport firms is composed of three sectors: for-hire (or commercial), private and government. Each marine carrier is assigned to the sector...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Vehicle Survey: Annual
From the Canadian Vehicle Survey, this product contains 38 tables showing the survey estimates for each year. The Canadian Vehicle Survey measures the activity of all on-road... -
Catalogue Entry: Commodity origin and destination statistics, for-hire trucking, annual 1996
After the double-digit growth experienced in 1993 and 1994, trucking activity by Canada-based for-hire carriers with annual intercity revenues of at least $1.0 million increased...-
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Catalogue Entry: Financial statistics on Canadian based marine carriers, 1995 (preliminary)
In 1995, 200 marine carriers based in Canada, including for-hire marine carriers, private carriers and government carriers, owned and operated a fleet of 1,760 vessels and...-
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Catalogue Entry: For-hire motor carriers of freight: Ball carriers, third and fourth quarters, 1996
In the second half of 1996, the operating ratio (operating expenses divided by operating revenues) for all Canada-based for-hire motor carriers of freight with annual revenues...-
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