Catalogue Entry: Annual area burned by large fires (>200 hectares) - Reference Period (1981-2010)
The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of the forest industry to the regional economy
Many communities in Canada depend to some extent on forestry and the forest sector. The importance of the forest industry to the regional economy can be assessed using the... -
Catalogue Entry: Number of large fires (>200 hectares) - Short-term (2011-2040) under RCP 8.5
The fire regime describes the patterns of fire seasonality, frequency, size, spatial continuity, intensity, type (e.g., crown or surface fire) and severity in a particular area... -
Catalogue Entry: Pacific Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias fannini) Potential Area of...
This file includes the spatial boundaries for the Pacific Great Blue Heron Potential Area of Occupancy for its entire Canadian range. The Potential Area of Occupancy is a simple... -
Catalogue Entry: Pacific Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias fannini) Conservation Regions,...
This spatial file includes the polygon boundaries of the four Pacific Great Blue Heron Conservation Regions in British Columbia, as described in the management plan. These... -
Catalogue Entry: Water quality in Canadian rivers indicators
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada’s performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The... -
Catalogue Entry: 3D model spatial extents, Groundwater Geoscience Program
The dataset shows the distribution and spatial extent of the 3D models that were created in the context of Canadian aquifers mapping projects from the Geological Survey of Canada. -
Catalogue Entry: Earthquakes in Canada 2000-2009
Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 2000. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available... -
Catalogue Entry: Earthquakes in Canada 1980-1989
Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 1980. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available... -
Catalogue Entry: Earthquakes in Canada 1990-1999
Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 1990. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available... -
Catalogue Entry: Earthquakes in Canada 2010-2019
Historical earthquakes recorded by Earthquakes Canada. This dataset contains the earthquakes recorded in decade 2010. However, the National Earthquake Database makes available... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Disaster Database
The Canadian Disaster Database is a publicly accessible web-based repository of historical information about natural and man-made disasters that have taken place since 1900 in... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada Lands in Google Earth
This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for Canada Lands. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads, easements,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Roberts Bank Shorebird Surveys, British Columbia - Survey Route
This line outlines the basic survey route included in the survey counts. This route is the best access to areas that can be surveyed from shore. -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian National Tornado Database: Verified Events (1980-2009) - Public
A database of verified tornado occurrences across Canada has been created covering the 30-year period from 1980 to 2009. The data are stored in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet,... -
Catalogue Entry: Environmental Damages Fund - Funded Projects
The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF), created by the Government of Canada in 1995, follows the Polluter Pays Principle to ensure that those who cause damage to the environment... -
Catalogue Entry: Indigenous Geographical Names
The Indigenous Geographical Names dataset presents an extract from the Canadian Geographical Names Data Base (CGNDB) of geographical names with roots in Indigenous cultures.... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Geographical Names - CGN
The Canadian Geographical Names Data Base (CGNDB) is the authoritative national database of Canada's geographical names. The purpose of the CGNDB is to store place names and... -
Catalogue Entry: Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT) – Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta
The Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta dataset comes from the Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT). The online tool was decommissioned in 2019 and the data was... -
Catalogue Entry: Modern treaties
The Modern treaties (formerly known as the Post-1975 treaties) dataset contains geographic boundaries as well as basic attribute data representing signed agreements that were...