396 catalogue entries found

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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross biological volume - hardwood

    Gross biological volume - hardwood (GBVHWD) is an expression of in-the-tree stem hardwood volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Calculated from the ground to the tip. Available...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Gross biological volume - total

    Gross biological volume - total (GBVTOT) is an expression of in-the-tree stem total volume (m3) on a per-hectare basis. Calculated from the ground to the tip. Available here as...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Basal area - total

    Basal area - total (BA_TOT) is an expression of total site occupancy based on the cross-sectional area (m2 at breast-height) of merchantable stems on a per-hectare basis....
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Stems per hectare - hardwood

    Stems per hectare - hardwood (SPHHWD) is an expression of the number of merchantable hardwood trees on a per-hectare basis. Available here as hardwood stems per hectare raster...
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  • Catalogue Entry: National Highway System Map (2021)

    National Highway System Map 2019 National highway system map
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  • Catalogue Entry: SK1 Woodland Caribou Habitat Potential

    Woodland caribou habitat potential within the provincial forest of central and northern Saskatchewan has been identified by Saskatchewan, using a forest ecosite geographic...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Diameter (quadratic mean)

    Diameter is an expression of the average diameter (cm) of trees at breast-height (1.3 m), calculated using a quadratic mean (QM_DBH). Available here as a diamter raster (GeoTIF)...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FERRYSEG OFFICIAL

    FERRYSEG_OFFICIAL provides the information about the Ferry Connection Segments. Ferry Connection Segment is the specific representation of a portion of a ferry connection with...
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  • Catalogue Entry: HIGHWAY OFFICIAL

    HIGHWAY_OFFICIAL provides the LRS based geospatial information of Provincial and National Highways System in Saskatchewan. It is one of the base layer used to create "Roadseg"...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Highway Official Road Network

    Saskatchewan Highway Network map contains current Highway Network layer with highway classification based on varied criteria
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  • Catalogue Entry: Saskatchewan Digital Landcover

    The Saskatchewan Digital Land Cover was created to be used in the interim. The National Land Cover Project plans to integrate land cover information compiled by Natural...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Stems per hectare - total

    Stems per hectare - total (SPHTOT) is an expression of the total number of merchantable trees on a per-hectare basis. Available here as total stems per hectare raster (GeoTIF)...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Saskatchewan Rail Network map

    Saskatchewan Rail Network Map A map of Saskatchewan's rail network
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  • Catalogue Entry: Weight Classification Map

    Primary Weight, Provincial Highways and RM Roads, Clearing the Path Corridors Map A map of primary weight provincial highways and RM roads clearing the path corridors
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  • Catalogue Entry: JUNCTION OFFICIAL

    JUNCTION_OFFICIAL is one of the important layers for Saskatchewan Upgraded Road Network (SURN) and National Road Network (NRN). The JUNCTION_OFFICIAL provides the information of...
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  • Catalogue Entry: FRI: Height (Lorey's mean)

    Height is an expression of the average height (m) of dominant and co-dominant trees of the leading species in the stand, expressed as Lorey’s mean height (LRY_HT). Available...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Predictive Ecosite Map of Saskatchewan - v01

    Predictive ecosite map of Saskatchewan's provincial forests and adjacent parks within the boreal plain, boreal shield and taiga shield ecozones: version 01. Download: Here The...
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  • Catalogue Entry: ROADSEG

    ROADSEG is one of the important layers for Saskatchewan Upgraded Road Network (SURN) and National Road Network (NRN). The ROADSEG is created to serve a diverse group of clients...
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  • Catalogue Entry: SurfaceTypeSummary

    Highway summary statistics table This table provides summary statistics for Highways based on regions and surface types. 
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  • Catalogue Entry: Historical Ambient Air Quality Raw - Regina

    The Ministry of Environment operates a network of continuous ambient air monitoring stations to measure the concentration of air pollutants across Saskatchewan. This is...
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