This product provides information on Alberta Average Weekly Earnings (including overtime) for Food Related Industries in the Manufacturing Industries, Retail Trade Industries...
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Average weekly earnings are derived by dividing total weekly earnings (including overtime earnings) by the number of employees. This data is compiled from the Survey of...
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This product provides information on Alberta and Canada Value of Manufacturing Sales for Food and Beverage Industries, for a twenty-year period. Percent Change from Previous...
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Percentage of total businesses that are classified as small, meaning businesses with between one and 49 employees. Excludes businesses that cannot be classified into an...
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The data is based information reported to Workers’ Compensation Board by March 31 for employers who are required to have WCB accounts. The dataset contain employer-specific...
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This information product presents corporate income tax revenues by 2-digit North American Classification System (NAICS) industry groups from 2002-03 to 2023-24.
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Lists number of incorporations by year and municipality and municipal district. An incorporation refers to a body incorporated under the Business Incorporations Act.
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This product provides information on Alberta Value of Manufacturing Sales for Food and Beverage Industries by Type, for a seven-year period. Percent Share of All Manufacturing...
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The number of businesses with employees on record, by year, size (number of employees) and industry. Excludes businesses that cannot be classified into an industry. Statistics...
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This data includes the characteristics of Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program cases, by census metropolitan area, and by the province including: * family type *...
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Data estimating the direct, indirect and induced impacts of tourism receipts and visitor spending on gross domestic product, labour income and employment in Ontario.
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Student enrolment data by school and grade as reported by school boards in the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), October submission for the specified academic year. The...
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Data about the number of English-language students enrolled in French as a Second Language (FSL) classes. Information is broken down by elementary and secondary panels for each...
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Get statistical data on the annual averages of the Farm Input Price Index for Ontario. This index measures the change in selected farm input costs over time. These costs are...
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We've made tables that include the 21 drinking water quality threat activities, set out in O. Reg. 287/07, which may pose a risk to a municipal drinking water supply. The tables...
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The number of publicly funded elementary and secondary schools. Data includes: * academic year * region * board number * board name * board language * board type * elementary...
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This data set contains special education enrolment data by exceptionality for both elementary and secondary publicly funded schools in Ontario, at the provincial level. Data...
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