Catalogue Entry: CPTAQ decisions
Decisions come from applications for authorization submitted under the Act respecting the protection of land and agricultural activities (LPTAA L.R.Q., c. P-41.1) relating to: -... -
Catalogue Entry: History of civil security events - Archives
Warning: as of June 2020, this dataset is no longer updated and has been replaced. Please see https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/evenements-de-securite-civile for... -
Catalogue Entry: Alberta Census Boundaries - Current
This downloadable data product includes the federal boundary files from the most recent census year. The official boundaries are updated every 5 years with the census and should... -
Catalogue Entry: Soil Correlation Areas (SCA) of Alberta
The SCA Map of Alberta reflects the integration of inherent agroclimatic conditions that exist across Alberta with soil development, use and management practices. The SCA... -
Catalogue Entry: Whirling Disease (AIS) Decontamination Zones
This GIS dataset covers the four types of decontamination zones for whirling disease in Alberta, and identifies the inherent risk categories for each. These boundaries are to be... -
Catalogue Entry: Second Red Bed Zero Edge
Second Red Bed Zero Edge -
Catalogue Entry: First Red Beds Isopach
First Red Beds Isopach -
Catalogue Entry: Shelters
The intention is to show the boundaries of all refuges in Manitoba, as designated by the Designation of Wildlife Lands Regulation (171/2001) under The Wildlife Act (C.C.S.M. c.... -
Catalogue Entry: Crown Land Reservations
A Crown land reservation is a tool under Section 18(c) of the Public Lands Act, to identify a management intent that will inform and provide direction to potential land users... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Typical Range Soil Chemistry
Concentration levels from soil sampled in urban and rural parklands in the province. Data includes: * station name and location (rounded to 1 km precision) * sample date *... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network
The Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) datasets report on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions. Groundwater monitoring map -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Public Service Region
The OPS has adopted these boundaries for administrative and functional purposes which will facilitate enterprise initiatives and enhance customer service. We are no longer... -
Catalogue Entry: Licensed Early Learning and Childcare Sites
This dataset provides comprehensive information about Licensed Early Learning and Childcare Facilities in New Brunswick. It includes essential details such as the region,... -
Catalogue Entry: Emplacements des Services de garderie éducatifs agréés
Cet ensemble de données fournit des informations complètes sur les établissements de garderies éducatives agréés au Nouveau-Brunswick. Il comprend des détails essentiels tels... -
Catalogue Entry: Road collisions
List of collisions that have occurred in Montreal since 2012. This set shows collisions involving at least one motor vehicle traveling on the network and which were the subject... -
Catalogue Entry: Construction, transformation and demolition permits
This data set lists all permits issued to citizens by the boroughs of the city of Montreal for the construction, transformation or demolition of a building or property. More... -
Catalogue Entry: Dawson Bay Isopach
Dawson Bay Isopach -
Catalogue Entry: First Red Beds Zero Edge
First Red Beds Zero Edge -
Catalogue Entry: Colorado Zero Edge
These structure, isopach and zero edge files are part of a series of stratigraphic framework maps for the Saskatchewan Phanerozoic Fluids and Petroleum Systems (SPFPS) project.... -
Catalogue Entry: Souris River Structure
Souris River Structure