A tabular presentation of changes from the budgeted 2013-14 provincial debt forecast for the British Columbia government for the first 2013-14 quarterly report.
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's capital spending, including budgeted and actual values at September 30, 2012, actual values at September 30, 2011,...
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Economic Forecasts, including 2011 actual values, 2012 estimated values, and 2013 through 2017 forecast values: components of British Columbia Real Gross Gross Domestic Product
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia operating statement, consistent with March 31, 2012 government accounting policies, and including budgeted values 2011, actual...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's spending assumptions for the 2012-13 Budget and for the first and second 2012-13 quarterly reports.
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A tabular presentation of British Columbia provincial borrowing requirements based on total debt at the beginning of the year, total debt at the end of the year, and percentage...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's expense by function including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year...
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A tabular presentation of British Columbia net liabilities and accumulated surplus, including totals for financial and non-financial assets, budgeted and actual values for...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's provincial debt including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year...
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Property transfer tax (PTT) data relating to market transactions within the province. For more information regarding Property Transfer Tax (PTT) see our website. This data-set...
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Property transfer tax data relating to market transactions within the province. For more information regarding Property Transfer Tax see our website. This data-set contains the...
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A tabular presentation of planned British Columbia health care funding by source for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, including values for total revenue, total...
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Tabular Budget 2013 June update supplementary information for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2014 providing additional information on proposed spending, organized into major...
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A tabular summary of British Columbia taxpayer-supported and self-supported provincial debt, including direct operating values, forecast allowance, total provincial debt, debt...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia 2011-12 third quarter health funding report update, including values for total revenue, total expenditure and health care costs in...
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A tabular presentation of the Columbia Power Corporation five-year income statement, 2008/09 through 2012/13 with miscellaneous financial data and performance indicators.
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A tabular summary of the British Columbia fiscal plan update of changes from Budget 2011, including the Budget 2011 fiscal plan, measures to balance the budget, net changes, and...
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A tabular presentation of planned British Columbia health care funding by source for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, including values for total revenue, total...
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Tax Expenditure Reports: Table A1.1 - Personal Income Tax - Tax Expenditures, includes estimated 2012-13 costs for provincial and federal measures; Table A1.2 - Corporate Income...
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