Catalogue Entry: Assessment by the Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission (PSC) is responsible for evaluating second official language proficiency in appointment processes through the Second Language Evaluation (SLE)... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada - Gravity data compilation
The data used in this compilation come from the Canadian Gravity Database (CGDB), which is managed by the Canadian Geodetic Survey (CGS), Surveyor General Branch. CGDB includes... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada - Radiometric survey data compilation
The data presented in the radioactivity map of Canada series (Buckle et al., 2014) depict the surface concentrations of three naturally-occurring radioactive elements: potassium... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydrogeological Units, Groundwater Geoscience Program
A hydrogeological unit is defined as any soil or rock unit or zone that by virtue of its hydraulic properties has a distinct influence on the storage or movement of groundwater.... -
Catalogue Entry: Surficial Geological Units, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Surficial geologic units are unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock. The dataset represents a general description of the stratigraphy and geology, including geologic unit... -
Catalogue Entry: Aquifer Vulnerability, Groundwater Geoscience Program
A measure of the intrinsic susceptibility of an aquifer representing the tendency or likelihood for contaminants to reach a specified position in the groundwater system after... -
Catalogue Entry: Aquifer Confinement Conditions, Groundwater Geoscience Program
The confinement describes the types of aquifer: confined, unconfined and semi-confined. Confined aquifer is bounded from above and below by impervious formations. Unconfined... -
Catalogue Entry: Piezometric Surface, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Level below which soil or rock is saturated with water, in the well and at the time the level has been measured, expressed in m above the sea level. Groundwater levels measured... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydraulic Properties, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Hydraulic properties characterize a hydrogeological unit. The hydraulic properties considered for this dataset are the transmissivity, the hydraulic conductivity, the storage... -
Catalogue Entry: Groundwater Usage, Groundwater Geoscience Program
The amount of groundwater exploited is estimated in m³/year. Groundwater usages are classified in four categories: agricultural, industrial, domestic and energy. Typically,... -
Catalogue Entry: Groundwater Samples, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Groundwater samples have been collected in the hydrogeological unit, for various types of analysis. The dataset is not used to represent a particular phenomenon or observation... -
Catalogue Entry: Groundwater Flow, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Groundwater flow is the movement of water in an aquifer or hydrogeological unit. The dataset shows groundwater flow rate and direction in the hydrogeological unit. Groundwater... -
Catalogue Entry: Bedrock Geological Units, Groundwater Geoscience Program
The bedrock geologic units designate units of the same types of rock which composed the solid rock exposed at ground surface (as outcrop) or which underlies unconsolidated... -
Catalogue Entry: Groundwater Level, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Level below which soil or rock is saturated with water, in the well and at the time the level has been measured, expressed in m above the sea level. Groundwater depth is... -
Catalogue Entry: Infographic: Autism Spectrum Disorder - Highlights from the Canadian Survey...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a range of conditions that can include impairments in speech, non-verbal communication, and social interactions combined with restricted... -
Catalogue Entry: Pregnancy, childbirth and caring for newborns: Advice for mothers during COVID-19
COVID-19 is a new disease and we are still learning how it affects pregnant women. -
Catalogue Entry: Physical distancing: How to slow the spread of COVID-19
Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep a physical distance between each other. Physical distancing is proven to be one of the most... -
Catalogue Entry: Physical distancing: Actions for reducing the spread of COVID-19
Physical distancing (social distancing) means keeping a distance of at least two metres from others at all times. -
Catalogue Entry: How to care for a person with COVID-19 at home: Advice for caregivers
If you are caring for a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, follow this advice to protect yourself and others in the home, as well as those in your community. -
Catalogue Entry: How to care for a child with COVID-19 at home: Advice for caregivers
If you are caring for a child who has or may have COVID-19, it is important to follow the steps below to protect yourself and others in the home, as well as those in your...