RESULTS Openings are administrative boundaries for areas harvested with silviculture obligations or natural disturbances with intended forest management activities on Crown...
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Standards Units for an opening represents desired soil conservation limits and stocking outcomes for the defined net area to be reforested. An opening may have one or more...
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TA_CROWN_INVENTORY_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Crown Land Inventory Dispositions. Inventories are lands identified for review to...
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Landscape Units (Subdivisions) were developed as a part of the 2002 Northern Caribou Strategy and are used for landscape level planning within Wildlife Habitat Area 5-086. For...
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Summer, Spring, Early Winter, and Late Winter multi-scale habitat model for mountain caribou in the Western Cariboo Region / Columbia Highlands / Northern Columbia Mountains....
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TA_CROWN_RSRV_NOTATIONS_SVW contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Reserves and Notations. Reserves are a particular type of crown land tenure...
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Seral stage assessment for the Cariboo Region. Based on Vegetated Resource Information (VRI) data. Last update 2023-11-15, based on 2022 VRI (Vegetation Resource Inventory)...
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Productive forest land base is defined as the total Crown forest area, determined by subtracting the following from the total area of the Cariboo Natural Resource Region: * All...
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The Itcha Ilgachuz Caribou Habitat Area (IICHA) and associated quadrants were developed as a part of the 2002 Northern Caribou Strategy, with revisions in 2011. The boundary is...
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Summer, Winter Alpine, and Winter Forest-Dwelling habitat model for caribou in the Itcha, Ilgachuz, and Rainbow Mountains of West-Central BC. This habitat model was developed...
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