Catalogue Entry: Burnaby Park Inventory
A collection of all known parks and golf courses in Burnaby. Individual parks may be broken down into separate polygons based on unique attributes. Layer is predominantly used... -
Catalogue Entry: Burnaby Parks Trails
This layer is created mainly for Asset Management in Parks Operations. Includes all walking trails within City of Burnaby parks. Data captured in 2019. The City of Burnaby... -
Catalogue Entry: Burnaby Conservation and Recreation Areas
Land designated as conservation or recreation within the City of Burnaby as defined by Metro Vancouver. The regional growth strategy (RGS) layer is maintained as the basis for... -
Catalogue Entry: City of Vancouver Parks
The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation maintains over 220 parks and 40 major facilities throughout the City of Vancouver. This dataset provides information of the parks and... -
Catalogue Entry: Fishing Access Point in Ontario
Dataset records sites where anglers can access fishing locations.