Forest cover polygons interpreted from aerial imagery on a 10 year cycle for the province of New Brunswick. The attributes contain information that describes the stand...
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This layer contains point features that represent New Brunswick Geological Survey till sample locations where laboratory grain size analysis was completed. Grain size data are...
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Buffer zones surrounding mapped watercourses and wetlands where forest activity is regulated on Crown land to maintain water quality and aquatic habitat.
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the utilities theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography, and verified with field inspections....
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database the Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network (Water Features) is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Lakes, Rivers, Islands and...
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Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Water Features Public Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Water FeaturesLands, Forests and Wildlife View Data Part of the Nova Scotia...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the land cover theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Land cover is limited to treed areas over...
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Successful applicants of the 2017-2019 Solar for Community Buildings Program, that enables eligible community groups and organizations to generate solar photovoltaic (PV)...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database the Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network (Water Features) is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Lakes, Rivers, Islands and...
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Locations of sampling stations for sensor strings deployed as part of the Centre for Marine Applied Research's (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program. Sensor strings record high-...
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The Ecological Land Classification (ELC version 2015) for Nova Scotia provides a hierarchical mapping of the province's forest ecosystems into ecosections, ecodistricts and...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the utilities theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography, and verified with field inspections....
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the land cover theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Land cover is limited to treed areas over...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database, the delimiter lines are obtained from various sources which could include Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Property...
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A shapefile of freshwater water bodies hat have been sampled as part of the Nova Scotia Lake Survey. The Nova Scotia Lake Survey program is a partnership initiative between Nova...
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Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the land cover theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Land cover is limited to treed areas over...
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