Every two years, Advanced Education commissions a survey of post-secondary graduates in order to collect information that will inform strategic planning and results reporting...
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This data set includes total value of motor vehicle accident payouts recovered in the period from known/uninsured at fault parties who have been found liable by a court of law.
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Contains data used by the Government of Alberta to determine "operating capacity" as defined in the Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Program Regulation.
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Table showing the Established Coordinates that have had their status changed by Monuments placed. Statutory declaration are available upon request through the Director of...
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In Alberta, equalized assessment is the means of comparing property wealth in a uniform manner for all municipalities. Alberta uses an ad valorem assessment and tax system where...
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These tenure sales statistics are related to the public offering and sale of Crown petroleum and natural gas rights, such as bonuses, hectares sold, and average price per...
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The Fiscal Plan outlines the government’s forecasts for the economy, revenue and spending, and main policy decisions or initiatives. Provided in an open data format are chapters...
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Contains data used by the Government of Alberta to calculate "operating capacity" as defined in the Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Program Regulation.
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This data set includes total number of claims paid for personal injury compensation under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC) program by date including total amount paid...
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List of expenses incurred by elected and government officials subject to the Public Disclosure of Travel and Expenses Directive. Includes category, date and amount of expense...
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The Supplementary Supply Estimates report additional requirements for public monies to fund the operations of the Government and Offices of the Legislative Assembly as...
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This data set includes total number of claims paid for personal injury compensation under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims (MVAC) program by date including total amount paid...
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Contains tabular data found in the 2022 Apartment Vacancy and Rental Cost Survey publication, released in an open data format. The Government of Alberta conducts a survey of...
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This Statistic describes the proportion of Grade 9 students in Alberta who achieved the acceptable standards in language arts and mathematics. Grade 9 Provincial Achievement...
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Often referred to as the Blue Book, this data (Excel format) shows who is doing business with government and selected payments over $10,000 that have been made for supplies or...
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Dataset including information on wildfires in the province of Alberta from 2006 to 2023, inclusive. Information tracked for each fire includes: cause, size, location (latitude...
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