The geobase is the spatial representation of the road network in the form of a filamentary network composed of lines called sections. At the intersections of these sections or...
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The geobase is the spatial representation of the road network in the form of a filamentary network composed of lines called sections. A section represents a portion of road with...
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Data set containing the list and location of snow disposal sites used by the City of Montreal during snow loading periods, including information on each site. The packages on...
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Geobase poles are a point representation of the left and right sides of segmented sections of the road network. They are related to the [double geobase] (/city-of-...
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The set contains geospatial data for snow removal sectors in the City of Montreal as well as the boroughs associated with them. The packages on the [snow disposal sites] (/city-...
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The geobase is the spatial representation of the road network in the form of a filamentary network composed of lines called sections. The update operations are recorded in a log...
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The double geobase is presented as a projection of the geobase's filamentary network that approximately simulates the boundaries of sidewalks and curbs. The [geobase poles]...
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