Catalogue Entry: Sandstone-Hosted Uranium Potential of Alberta: Study of Oil and Gas Well...
This dataset evaluates the sandstone-hosted uranium potential of Alberta. An Alberta Geological Survey database of oil and gas well logs were queried to identify wells with... -
Catalogue Entry: Caribou Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Caribou Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Island Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Island Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Surficial Geology of the Manning Area, Map 292 (NTS 84C/NW) - polygon features
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 84C Northwest (polygon features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Battle Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Battle Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Keho Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Keho Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Glenmore Reservoir, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII...
All available bathymetry and related information for Glenmore Reservoir were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Quality Evaluation Dataset of the Cold Lake Oil Sands Area Derived from 2008...
The Cold Lake oil sands area - Township 56 to 69, Range 1 to 11, west of the 4th Meridian, falls within the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP). As part of Alberta's Land-use... -
Catalogue Entry: Jarvis Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Jarvis Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Garner Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Garner Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Red Deer Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Red Deer Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Birch Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Birch Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Samson Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Samson Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Hasse Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Hasse Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Quaternary geology and bedrock subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray...
A digital grid of the top of the Clearwater Formation, originally modeled from borehole data and adjusted to present-day and paleo river erosion. The grid is generated at a 250...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Oliver Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Oliver Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Magee Lake, Alberta - Bathymetry, Digital Elevation Model (Arc ASCII grid format)
All available bathymetry and related information for Magee Lake were collected and hard copy maps digitized where necessary. The data were validated against more recent data...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Quaternary geology and bedrock subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray...
A digital elevation model derived from the Federal DEM (76m resolution) and resampled to a 250 m cell-size resolution.-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: Quaternary geology and bedrock subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray...
A digital grid of the top of the Second White Specks Formation, originally modeled from borehole data and adjusted to present-day and paleo river erosion. The grid is generated...-
File available for download in the following formats:
- ASCII Grid
Catalogue Entry: CBM - Coal Database for the Alberta Plains Area
A coal/CBM database was implemented by the Alberta Geological Survey to capture and manage information related to coalbed methane (CBM). The database is a compilation of data...