A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's expense by ministry, program and agency including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June...
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A tabular presentation of British Columbia reconciliation of debt summary results to provincial debt changes based on annual surplus or deficit, investment working capital...
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Economic Forecasts, including 2011 actual values, 2012 estimated values, and 2013 through 2017 forecast values: numerous measurements of British Columbia Gross Domestic Product
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A tabular presentation of planned costs of direct support to British Columbia families, individuals and community safety for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.
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Table A2.7 - A tabular presentation summarizing British Columbia expense by function, actual values, 2000-2001 through 2011-2012, including percent of average annual change;...
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A tabular presentation summarizing British Columbia's financial position statement at March 31, 2012, September 30, 2012 and forecast for March 31, 2013; and a tabular...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's provincial debt including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year...
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Table A9 tabular presentation of British Columbia full-time equivalent employment, actual values 2005-06 through 2011-2012 and updated forecast for 2012-13 to 2014-15, including...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia three year fiscal plan, including revenue, expense, surplus or deficit, capital spending, provincial debt, taxpayer-supported...
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Table A2.11 - A tabular presentation summarizing British Columbia taxpayer-supported and self-supported provincial debt, actual values, 2000-2001 through 2011-2012, including...
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A tabular presentation of British Columbia provincial transportation investments by Transportation Investment Plan and Provincial Transit Plan infrastructure investment item,...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia operating statement, consistent with March 31, 2011 government accounting policies, and including budgeted values 2010, actual...
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A tabular presentation of private sector forecasts of British Columbia natural gas prices for the calendar years 2012, 2013 and 2014, including values adjusted to the fiscal...
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A tabular presentation of the high school completion rates for British Columbia students for the years 2001-02 through 2010-11, includes totals and percentage rates for all and...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia Ministry programs and material assumption expenses, including updated forecast values for 2011-12, budget estimates for 2012-13,...
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A tabular presentation of changes from budgeted 2012-13 capital spending for the British Columbia government for the first and second 2012-13 quarterly reports.
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