Components of international migratory increase, quarterly: immigrants, emigrants, returning emigrants, net temporary emigrants, net non-permanent residents.
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Number, rank and percentage frequency of first names from the Canadian Vital Statistics Database – Birth (BCDECN) by sex at birth and year, for Canada, from 1991 to the most...
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CAPEX and operating expenses for the oil and gas extraction sector (formerly known as conventional) and the oil sands sector (formerly known as non-conventional).
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Income statement and balance sheet for the oil and gas extraction sector (formerly known as conventional) and the oil sands sector (formerly known as non-conventional).
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This table contains 71 series, with data starting from 1934 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following...
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This table includes six Financial Soundness Indicators for Canada as provided by the Bank of Canada. These Indicators are compiled and disseminated with other Indicators as part...
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Couriers and messengers services price index (CMSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Monthly data are available from January 2010. The table presents...
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Electricity generation by class of electricity producer (electric utilities, electricity producers, industries, etc.) and type of electricity generation (hydroelectric,...
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Generation, receipts and deliveries of electric power, including deliveries and receipts to and from other provinces, as well as the United States. Data are presented at the...
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