Catalogue Entry: Factors associated with the use of oral health care services among seniors in Canada
Abstract Background This study explores the link between dental insurance, income, and oral health care access among seniors (aged 65 and over) in Canada. It contributes to the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities aged 15 years and over
The data comes from the the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD). The purpose of the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) is to provide information about Canadian youth and adults...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Public Use Microdata Files
Giving, Volunteering and Participating The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the General Social Survey – Giving, Volunteering and Participating provides data on individual...-
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Catalogue Entry: Mental disorders and access to mental health care
The dataset covers some key aspects of mental health care services in Canada. The analysis is focused on who Canadians turn to for mental health care, the role of virtual care... -
Catalogue Entry: Licensing status for child care businesses, Canada, 2022
Target population The target population for this survey includes all child care locations in Canada with an annual revenue of at least $2,500 per year. To identify these units,... -
Catalogue Entry: Use of early learning and child care arrangements, children aged 0 to 5 years
Use of early learning and child care arrangements, children aged 0 to 5 years, from 2019 to 2023. -
Catalogue Entry: Old age security pension and guaranteed income supplement income for adults...
Old age security pension and guaranteed income supplement income for adults with disabilities-
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Catalogue Entry: Requirements and needs for educational accommodations or modifications for...
Requirements for and level of needs met for educational accommodations or modifications for persons with disabilities -
Catalogue Entry: Percent of residential facilities for victims of abuse offering selected services
The data comes from the Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse (SRFVA). he objective of the Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse (SRFVA) is to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Access to specialized health care services among older Canadians
Background Canada is experiencing rapid population aging, which has a wide range of implications, including an increased need for health care services. However, very few studies...-
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Catalogue Entry: Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal and type of matter
Refused legal aid applications, by reason for refusal and type of matter-
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Catalogue Entry: Legal aid plan direct legal service expenditures
irect legal service expenditures on legal aid plans by criminal and civil matters, five years-
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Catalogue Entry: Difficulties for parents and guardians in finding a child care arrangement
Difficulties for parents and guardians in finding a child care arrangement, children with long-term conditions or disabilities, aged 0 to 5 years-
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Catalogue Entry: Dental insurance coverage and dental visits, by age group and gender
This table shows dental insurance coverage and visits by age group and gender in Canada. Age group options are Total 12 years and Over, 18 to 34 years, 35 to 49 years, 50 to 64...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Factors associated with the use of oral health care services among Canadian...
Background This study investigates the association between dental insurance, income, and dental care access for Canadian children and youth aged 1 to 17 years. It contributes to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada: Public Use Microdata File 2022
This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada (SBASCC).... -
Catalogue Entry: Victim Services Directory
The Victim Services Directory (VSD) has been created by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues of the Department of Justice Canada to help service providers, victims and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood...
Centre-based child care businesses, staff profile by Early Childhood Education attainment, Canada, 2022 -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care: Public Use Microdata File
This public use microdata file (PUMF) contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care (CSELCC)....