This collection is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. Toporama is a digital topographic reference product using CanVec...
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FCOVER corresponds to the amount of the ground surface that is covered by vegetation, including the understory, when viewed vertically (from nadir). FCOVER is an indicator of...
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Leaf area index (LAI) quantified the density of vegetation irrespective of land cover. LAI quantifies the total foliage surface area per groud surface area. LAI has been...
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This group of maps, which includes the CanMatrix and CanTopo collections, is now a legacy product that is no longer maintained. It may not meet current government standards....
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The dataset includes two data products derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) imager operated by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric...
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Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
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Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
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Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
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Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
File available for download in the following formats:
Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
File available for download in the following formats:
Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
File available for download in the following formats:
Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
File available for download in the following formats:
Note: To visualize the data in the viewer, zoom into the area of interest. The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial...
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