Catalogue Entry: Alternative Education Resources for Ontario (AERO) database
AERO is a web-based digital repository that houses alternative learning formats for students with perceptual disabilities who attend publicly funded educational institutions in... -
Catalogue Entry: Child care staff
Child care staff are employees at the child care site that provide services to the licensee of the child care facility and include child care providers and cooks. -
Catalogue Entry: Student participation in Special Education programs or services
Includes data for Individual Education Plan (IEP) including: Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC); exceptionality(ies); and special education placement type... -
Catalogue Entry: Proposed new applications for child care facilities
An application for a child care licence to operate a new, proposed child care centre or home child care agency. This data includes details including the proposed location,... -
Catalogue Entry: Licensed child care facilities in Ontario
The data includes: licensee name, program type, ministry region, Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM)/District Social Service Administration Board (DSSAB) name, child...-
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