Catalogue Entry: Admissions to the Youth Justice System: Most Serious Offence
This data represents youth admissions to custody and detention facilities and community sentences. Where there are multiple offences, the most serious offence is recorded. The...-
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Catalogue Entry: Public education campaigns
This campaign helps individuals recognize the signs of abuse and understand what they can do to help. Data includes: organization, location, grant amount related to Kizhaay... -
Catalogue Entry: Performance of external service standards
This data set outlines when a service standard was met in relation to the targeted goal that was set for its performance. These are for specific programs and services, including... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program
This program provides supports to Youth Justice Court for youth aged 12-17 with mental health needs who are in conflict with the law. Program workers establish links between the... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth Opportunities Fund recipients (2013-16)
Through the Ontario Youth Action Plan, the Youth Opportunities Fund was created to support community initiatives in priority and disadvantaged neighbourhoods across Ontario.... -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Practitioners
Contact information for adoption practitioners who are approved to conduct homestudies and supervise adoption placements. -
Catalogue Entry: Service Delivery Division boundaries
From 2003 to January 12, 2014, Ministry of Children and Youth Services used the following 9 regions: Eastern South East Central East Central West South West Hamilton/Niagara...-
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Catalogue Entry: Province-wide public awareness surveys on domestic and sexual violence
This work includes a benchmark survey of Ontarians (wave 1: February 2015) prior to the launch of a public education campaign in March 2015, focus group sessions in four cities... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent (OCBE)
The data tracks the number of children and youth in customary care and the care of Children's Aid Societies (CAS) who are eligible for the OCBE program. This includes the number... -
Catalogue Entry: Ministry of Children and Youth Services expenditures for First Nations child...
Child Protection Services provides protection for First Nations children and youth who are at risk of, or are experiencing abuse or neglect. Child Protection Services for First... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: entry to school program
Overview The entry to school program helps children develop school-readiness skills and provides transition supports as they enter kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time....-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: caregiver-mediated early years programs
Overview Caregiver-mediated early years programs support families with young children ages 12 months to 48 months (4 years). The programs help young children learn new skills...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: foundational family services
Overview Foundational family services are available free of charge to all families registered in the Ontario Autism Program. Foundational family services aim to give you more...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ontario Autism Program: urgent response services
Overview Eligible children and youth who are experiencing a specific, urgent need can access supports to: help stabilize the situation prevent crisis reduce the risk of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Regional offices for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Contact an office in your area to get answers to your questions about services and support for children and youth, community services, developmental services and youth justice...-
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Catalogue Entry: Children's rehabilitation services
Children’s Treatment Centres and Surrey Place in Toronto deliver a range of rehabilitation services (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech and language pathology) to...-
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