Online learning (e-learning) course enrolment totals by course and year for public and Catholic schools. School boards report this data using the Ontario School Information...
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Bilingual reference lists with the official names of: * Ontario hospitals * Local Health Integration Networks * Family Health Groups, Family Health Networks and Primary Care...
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The Next Generation of Jobs Fund was announced in March 2008 as one of the cornerstones of the government's economic development strategy to stimulate economic growth and create...
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The amount of federal funding provided to Ontario and its communities for housing and homelessness programs. Funds are itemized by program. The federal government provides...
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Get data on the intensity of energy and water usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as property use types for buildings larger than 100,000 square feet. Where...
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This dataset measures satisfaction with the services provided to municipalities through MMAH's regional offices. Dataset includes the following information (where available) *...
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The BCFPI is a structured interview format, administered over the telephone with parents, teachers or adolescents. It is recommended that BCFPIs are completed at intake, prior...
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The data set contains registered vehicle population count by various criteria such as vehicle class, vehicle status, vechicle make, vehicle model, vehicle year, plate class,...
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This dataset includes: * new MCYS regions * Youth Justice Services regions * Service Delivery Division regions * census division names * census division IDs * census subdivision...
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Get data on the agri-food trade by region. This statistical dataset shows agri-food exports and imports between Ontario and major trading partners such as: * The United States *...
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Data includes: * board number * board name * number of students suspended * suspension rate This dataset displays the number of students suspended by academic year for all...
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The data tracks the number of babies screened with the Stage 1 ADPOAE through the IHP, either in Pre-discharge hospital or in the community. The Stage 1 screen identifies...
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The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure...
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The Student Nutrition Program helps provide healthy breakfasts, snacks and lunches to school-age kids across Ontario. This dataset contains a list of Student Nutrition Program...
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The data contains the number of criminal incidents, the clearance status of those incidents and persons-charged, by MCYS region (Central, East, North, Toronto, West, Other). The...
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