[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users...
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The Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture offers a number of funding programs (grants) to assist in the development of the agricultural industry and sustainable agricultural...
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The number of applications received by departments and other public bodies under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP Act) according to the type of...
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Nova Scotia is a national leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the province remains committed to fighting climate change. Solar electricity provides clean and...
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This dataset includes the charges defined by a summary offence ticket issued or an information laid as recorded on the Nova Scotia Justice Enterprise Information Network (JEIN)....
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This category covers items of surplus, not including Real Property, that do not have a current or foreseeable use within government. However, as a result of a written request to...
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Farm Registration is a voluntary annual program that provides managed access to government programs by farm businesses, collection of farm information to develop agricultural...
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Provides assessment results for Reading (scaled score and performance level) and Writing (performance level for four components of writing) for each year assessment has been...
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The Wildlife Compensation Program provides compensation to producers who experience damage to specified agricultural products caused by specific wildlife species. Compensation...
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The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables is committed to supporting locally driven projects that create long-lasting greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions in...
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The database presented here brings together an assortment of early census, property assessment, and poll tax records, providing a total of 69,807 personal names. None of the...
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Nova Scotia Government Pay scales based upon effective period start and end dates. Columns include: Start Date, End Date, Pay Plan Type, Pay Plan, Pay Plan Level, Biweekly Pay...
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[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users...
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This dataset provides information about how agricultural land is being protected through municipal land use planning. Each municipality is listed along with the level of...
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This dataset contains frequencies, rates, and proportions that describe drug toxicity deaths in Nova Scotia over time and space and by certain demographic and contextual...
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[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users...
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