LOC - Locations and geodetic networks (location)Positional information and services. For example, resources describing addresses, geodetic networks, postal zones and services,...
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Transportation networks (transportation)The means and aids for conveying people and goods. For example, resources describing roads, airports and airstrips, shipping routes,...
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GEO - Geological and geophysical (geoscientificInformation)The earth sciences. For example, resources describing geophysical features and processes; minerals; the composition,...
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The ASTER instrument that was launched onboard NASA’s Terra spacecraft in December 1999 has an along-track stereoscopic capability using two telescopes in its near infrared...
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UTC - Utility and communication networks (utilitiesCommunication) Energy, water and waste systems, and communications infrastructure and services. For example, resources...
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A series of relevant spatial datasets were compiled to construct an Agricultural Potential Index model which combines multiple criteria that influence agricultural suitability....
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The ASTER instrument that was launched onboard NASA’s Terra spacecraft in December 1999 has an along-track stereoscopic capability using two telescopes in its near infrared...
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INW - Inland water resources (inlandWaters)Inland water features, drainage systems, and their characteristics. For example, resources describing rivers and glaciers, salt lakes,...
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IBL - Imagery, basemaps, and land cover (imageryBaseMapsEarthCover) Basemaps. For example, resources describing land cover, topographic maps, and classified and unclassified images
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ECO - Business and economic (economy) Economic activities or employment. For example, resources describing labor; revenue; commerce; industry; tourism and ecotourism; forestry;...
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