A tabular presentation of British Columbia international aggregate and labour market indicators, including nominal and real GDP; population; labour force; employment and...
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A tabular presentation of interest rate forecasts for Canadian 3-month Treasury Bills and 10-year Government Bonds in 2013 by 6 private sector institutions as at July 22, 2013.
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Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Analysis of Authorized Debt and Short-Term Capital Borrowing - Municipality - 2008. The Statistics schedules consist of data...
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Populations certified by the Minister of Community and Rural Development under section 783(3) of the Local Government Act, effective December 1, 2007. These population figures...
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A tabular presentation of British Columbia net liabilities and accumulated surplus, consistent with March 31, 2012 government accounting policies, including totals for financial...
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Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Summary Statement of Financial Position - Regional District - 2005. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's financial position including budgeted and actual values at June 30, 2013, actual values at June 30, 2012, full year...
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A list of all Ministry of Environment purchasing card transactions for the fiscal year. During fiscal 2011, reorganization took place in October and March, and as a result, the...
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A tabular presentation of the British Columbia government's spending, including budgeted and actual values at September 30, 2012, actual values at September 30, 2011, full year...
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Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and Building Permit Information - Municipality - 2004. The Statistics schedules consist of...
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A tabular summary of British Columbia sales tax revenue for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2014-15, including harmonized sales tax, social services tax, designated property tax,...
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Tabular Budget 2013 supplementary information for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2014 providing additional information on proposed spending, organized into major categories...
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A tabular presentation of British Columbia notional allocations to contingencies and allowances for unforeseen pressures for the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15
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Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and Building Permit Information - Regional District - 2007. The Statistics schedules consist...
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Local Government Tax Rates and Assessments - Taxes and Charges on a Representative House 2004. Municipal tax rate bylaws are required to be adopted before May 15th of each year....
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Local Government Statistics - General Statistics - Assets - Regional District - 2003. The Statistics schedules consist of data provided to the ministry by local governments in...
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