This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on family status, Aboriginal identity, Registered or Treaty Indian status, area of residence,...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on Aboriginal identity, housing suitability, condition of dwelling, number of persons per room,...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on the 2011 census semi-custom profile (age, sex, marital status, families, households,...
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Estimates of the number of people living in a municipality or municipal district, including Canadian citizens and immigrants as well as non-permanent residents, by year, age,...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information from the National Household Survey (NHS). The profile includes the following information of...
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The data in this dataset includes Arts and Cultural events submitted from community groups across Alberta. The Culture Calendar was discontinued as of December 21, 2015.
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Lists the number of dwelling units by year and municipality or municipal district. A dwelling unit is defined as a unit consisting of one or more rooms, intended to be used for...
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This data presents the educational attainment of the populations in Alberta municipalities and municipalities, by highest level of education attainment for people 15 years of...
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Lists enrolment in high school by year, grade level, and municipality and municipal district. Enrolment count is determined by the number of students in grades 10 to 12...
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Lists enrolment in kindergarten to Grade 9 by year, grade level, and municipality and municipal district. Enrolment count is determined by the number of students in kindergarten...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on highest certificate, diploma or degree, Indian status, Aboriginal identity, major field of...
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These long-term population projections by single year of age and sex have been developed by applying the component cohort survival model to assumptions about future trends in...
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The Municipal Officials Directory contains up-to-date contact information on municipal officials for Alberta municipalities, Special Areas, Metis Settlements, regional services...
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Temporary resident permit holders with a valid permit on December 31st of each year. This measure only counts the most-recently-signed permit of each type.
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Mobility refers to the movement of people in geographic space. This broad term encompasses everything from short-distance local moves (between neighbourhoods) to movement...
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These long-term population projections by single year of age and sex have been developed by applying the component cohort survival model to assumptions about future trends in...
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This dataset is a customization of Statistics Canada data to present information on the 2011 Census of Population by Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education Service Regions....
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These long-term population projections by single year of age and sex have been developed by applying the component cohort survival model to assumptions about future trends in...
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