Sub-regional plans are Alberta's approach to supporting caribou recovery through careful land-use planning which recognizes and maintains working landscapes supporting a variety...
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Estimates of the number of people living in a municipality or municipal district, including Canadian citizens and immigrants as well as non-permanent residents, by year, age,...
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Lists the number of dwelling units by year and municipality or municipal district. A dwelling unit is defined as a unit consisting of one or more rooms, intended to be used for...
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This data presents the educational attainment of the populations in Alberta municipalities and municipalities, by highest level of education attainment for people 15 years of...
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Lists enrolment in high school by year, grade level, and municipality and municipal district. Enrolment count is determined by the number of students in grades 10 to 12...
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The number of individuals in high school registered in the RAP, the number of individuals who participated in RAP in high school who are now registered in a regular...
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Lists enrolment in kindergarten to Grade 9 by year, grade level, and municipality and municipal district. Enrolment count is determined by the number of students in kindergarten...
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This Inventory lists projects in Alberta, valued at $5 million or greater, that have recently been completed, are currently under construction, or are proposed to start...
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Estimates of the number of people living in Canada and the provinces. They include Canadian citizens and immigrants as well as non-permanent residents.
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Temporary resident permit holders with a valid permit on December 31st of each year. This measure only counts the most-recently-signed permit of each type.
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The combined number of apprentices certified and individuals issued qualification certificates by trade and by year for the the last six calendar years. Includes averages and...
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An overview of apprenticeship (total and new registrations) and labour force statistics (labour force, number employed and unemployed, and unemployment rate) for the last six...
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Construction of housing units in urban centres with a population of 10,000 and over. A housing unit is considered "started" when basement foundation construction begins.
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Lists the number of housing starts by year, municipality, and housing type. A Housing Start is defined as the beginning of construction work on a building, usually when the...
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Number of foreign nationals entering Canada as part of a temporary resident program, including foreign workers, foreign students, humanitarian population, visitors, and...
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