The sales of all goods purchased for resale, minus returns and discounts. The retail trade sector includes companies engaged primarily in retailing merchandise.
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Exports of goods to international destinations from a particular province or Canada. It does not include re-exports, i.e. goods that are being shipped out of the country after...
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The number of businesses that are incorporated in Alberta under the Business Corporations Act. Non-Alberta incorporations constitute businesses that are registered in Alberta...
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Lists number of bankruptcies by year, type (consumer or business) and municipality and municipal district. A bankruptcy is a legal process governed by the Bankruptcy and...
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A position is considered "vacant" if it meets all three of the following conditions: a specific position exists; work could start within 30 days; and the employer is actively...
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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic production which takes place within the geographical boundaries of a province or country. It can be measured at basic...
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Employed persons are those who a) did any work at all at a job or business during the reference period, or b) had a job but were not at work due to a variety of personal or...
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Dollar value of sales of goods manufactured by Canadian establishments in the manufacturing sector. For this indicator seasonally adjusted estimates are shown, unless otherwise...
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Average weekly earnings are derived by dividing total weekly earnings (including overtime earnings) by the number of employees. This data is compiled from the Survey of...
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Percentage of total businesses that are classified as small, meaning businesses with between one and 49 employees. Excludes businesses that cannot be classified into an...
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Lists number of incorporations by year and municipality and municipal district. An incorporation refers to a body incorporated under the Business Incorporations Act.
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The number of businesses with employees on record, by year, size (number of employees) and industry. Excludes businesses that cannot be classified into an industry. Statistics...
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