Lists natural gas production by year and municipal district. Natural gas production includes the production of of raw gas or marketable gas or any constituent of raw gas,...
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Dollar value of sales of goods manufactured by Canadian establishments in the manufacturing sector. For this indicator seasonally adjusted estimates are shown, unless otherwise...
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Average weekly earnings are derived by dividing total weekly earnings (including overtime earnings) by the number of employees. This data is compiled from the Survey of...
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Crimes as reflected in the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, based on substantiated offenses reported to a police-service detachment in a particular jurisdiction (not necessarily...
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Lists the employment rate, unemployment rate, and participation rate by census year, gender, and municipality and municipal district. The employment rate refers to the number of...
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Percentage of total businesses that are classified as small, meaning businesses with between one and 49 employees. Excludes businesses that cannot be classified into an...
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This directory provides a comprehensive database of agricultural processing companies and industry organizations in Alberta. It is maintained as a reference for use by the...
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Construction of housing units in urban centres with a population of 10,000 and over. A housing unit is considered "started" when basement foundation construction begins.
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Lists the number of housing starts by year, municipality, and housing type. A Housing Start is defined as the beginning of construction work on a building, usually when the...
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The total value of a municipality's equalized assessment, by year, property type, and municipality and municipal district. The total value of a municipality's equalized...
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Number of foreign nationals entering Canada as part of a temporary resident program, including foreign workers, foreign students, humanitarian population, visitors, and...
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An approximate annual value of announced or under construction capital projects above $5 million in December of each year, by year, sector, and municipality and municipal district.
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Lists number of incorporations by year and municipality and municipal district. An incorporation refers to a body incorporated under the Business Incorporations Act.
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Residential rental rates by municipality, year, and type of unit (bachelor suites, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom units) in non-subsidized rental buildings that have...
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