The Ministry of Culture and Communications makes available some of its data on heritage sites cited by municipalities and indigenous communities (formerly incorporated heritage...
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List and geolocation of local indigenous radio stations supported by the Operational Assistance Program of the Ministry of Culture and Communications in 2015-2016...
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The government can declare as a heritage site a territory that is of interest for its archaeological, architectural, artistic, artistic, emblematic, ethnological, historical,...
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The Ministry of Culture and Communications makes available its inventory data from the project to digitize the archaeological reference collection of Place-Royale, a heritage...
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This continuously improved file aims to help individuals and organizations interested in commemorating events in the history of Quebec. Events after 1763 will be added later.
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The government, through its Minister of Culture and Communications, can classify a heritage asset, that is to say a building, a site, a document, an object or a heritage...
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The Ministry of Culture and Communications makes available some of its data on the national heritage site declared by the Cultural Heritage Act by the Government of Quebec. This...
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List and geolocation of higher education organizations in the arts supported by the Operational Assistance program of the Ministry of Culture and Communications in 2015-2016...
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List and geolocation of community media recognized or supported by the Operational Assistance Program for Community Media of the Ministry of Culture and Communications in...
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The Ministry of Culture and Communications makes available some of its data on heritage buildings cited by municipalities and indigenous communities (formerly the historical...
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List and geolocation of specialized training organizations in the arts supported by the Operational Assistance program of the Ministry of Culture and Communications in 2015-2016...
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List and geolocation of Regional Cultural Councils supported by the Operational Assistance program for grouping organizations of the Ministry of Culture and Communications...
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List and geolocation of museum institutions recognized or supported by the Operational Assistance program of the Ministry of Culture and Communications...
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The government, through its Minister of Culture and Communications, can classify a heritage asset, that is, a building, a site, a document, an object or a heritage complex. The...
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