Quaternary geology includes information relating to heavy mineral samples, morpho-sedimentological zones, surface morphology, erratic boulders, glacial erosion marks, and...
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Field projects: basement geology, quaternary, geophysics, etc.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
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Indices, deposits, mines, and quarries include information relating to architectural crushed or industrial stone, non-metallic substances, and metallic substances.This third...
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Linear network representing railways. Geometry, name of the operator, name of the owner, name of the owner, condition of the track, condition of the track, name of the...
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#Données related to the monitoring of the 2019 floods in Quebec Attention: water extent data is a near real-time interpretation of satellite data; they were produced in...
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Location of photo radars: - Red light surveillance device - Fixed photo radar - Fixed photo radar and red light surveillance - Mobile photo radarThis third party metadata...
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On July 6, a train of 72 cars, carrying 100 tons of crude oil each, exploded in Lac-Mégantic. A high-resolution aerial photograph was collected by Aéro-Photo after the train...
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#Données linked to the monitoring of 2020 floods in Quebec ## #Liste of available data: * Location of flood events since April 2, 2020 (WMS web service); * Municipalities...
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