A literature review, focusing on oil sand products (e.g., diluted bitumen), diluents, spill-treating agents, and crude oil toxicology and ecological studies, relevant to the...
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The excessive input of nitrogen derived from human land-use activities remains a major cause of the eutrophication of coastal ecosystems around the world. However, little data...
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This geodatabase includes hotspot maps of 1) nearshore habitat richness, 2) diversity (fish and invertebrates), and 3) biomass (using catch per unit effort of fish and...
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The data layer (.shp) presented is the result of an unsupervised classification method for classifying seafloor habitat in the Bay of Fundy (Northwest Atlantic, Canada). This...
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The dataset includes timeseries of horizontal current speed and direction, vertical current speed, water depth, and temperature at instrument depth from Acoustic Doppler Current...
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The Pacific Region ERAF provides a comprehensive approach for assessing all threats to marine ecosystems by evaluating cumulative risk from multiple activities to multiple...
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The Pacific Region ERAF provides a comprehensive approach for assessing all threats to marine ecosystems by evaluating cumulative risk from multiple activities to multiple...
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The Pacific Region ERAF provides a comprehensive approach for assessing all threats to marine ecosystems by evaluating cumulative risk from multiple activities to multiple...
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The Pacific Region ERAF provides a comprehensive approach for assessing all threats to marine ecosystems by evaluating cumulative risk from multiple activities to multiple...
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Species distribution models (SDMs) are tools that combine species observations of occurrence, abundance, or biomass with environmental variables to predict the distribution of a...
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Recruitment overfishing in the Spot Prawn (Pandalus platyceros) trap fishery in British Columbia on the west coast of Canada is managed using a fixed escapement system. Fixed...
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Description: Biophysical Units: Under the Pacific Marine Ecological Classification System (PMECS; DFO 2016; Rubidge et al. 2016), biophysical units are areas of distinct...
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Extreme water level along the marine coastline is a result of a combination of storm surge, tides, and ocean waves. Future projections of climate change in the marine...
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In 2009, Fisheries and Oceans Canada published the Policy on Managing the Impacts of Fishing on Sensitive Benthic Areas. To support the implementation of this policy, a Canadian...
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The National Aquaculture Public Reporting Data contains information submitted to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans by industry owners or operators as a reporting...
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Chemical and biological oceanographic conditions observed in the Maritimes Region in 2022 are presented. Surface and deep inventories of nitrate and silicate were near or above...
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The Fieldnotes dataset represents the anticipated locations of DFO Science field operations in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as in the coastal and interior waters...
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Funded through DFO's Strategic Program for Ecosystem-based Research and Advice (SPERA), this benthic survey covers several seabed areas adjacent to Deer Island and Campobello...
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