“4VSW” missions focus on the eastern half of the Scotian Shelf, and occur primarily in March, but sets in both February, and April are also present in the data. These missions...
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"Fall" missions occur primarily in October and November, but sets from September and December are also present in the data. Collected data includes total catch in numbers and...
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The Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) ecosystem surveys consist of research vessel survey data collected to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish and invertebrates...
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As part of the Musquash Marine Protected Area (MPA) Monitoring Plan, this project was implemented to establish a baseline for infaunal biodiversity for this area. Data...
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Records of marine mammal sightings (N = 4,572) collected by ASOs and submitted to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) regions between 1990-2022, across three DFO regions: the...
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This collection of eelgrass data has been collated to produce a national map of the location and distribution of eelgrass beds across Canada. The data providers collaborating in...
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The objective of this project was to gather data to develop a model of the food web of the lower trophic levels of the nearshore area of the Beaufort Sea. Sampling took place...
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Between 2001 and 2004 a descriptive and comparative investigation of the benthic macro-infauna in 17 pockmarks and 10 reference locations outside pockmarks in Passamaquoddy Bay-...
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This record contains results from chemical analysis including suspended nitrogen (mg/g), suspended carbon (mg/g), and phosphorus (mg/g) based on dry weight sediment samples...
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This record contains information on the samples collected and the intended parameters for analysis from sediment cores collected as part of this project including bacteria,...
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The objective of this project was to gather data to develop a model of the food web of the lower trophic levels of the nearshore area of the Beaufort Sea. Sampling took place...
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This record contains results from stable isotope analysis of sediment samples including δ 13C (‰), δ 15N (‰), total N and total C collected in the Beaufort Sea.
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The objective of this project was to gather data to develop a model of the food web of the lower trophic levels of the nearshore area of the Beaufort Sea. Sampling took place...
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The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program is a multi-year Fisheries and Oceans Canada initiative designed to work with Indigenous and local communities and other key parties to...
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This dataset accompanies the open access article "Improving satellite chlorophyll-a retrieval in the turbid waters of the Bay of Fundy, Canada" published in Estuaries and Coasts...
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2014 to 2023 demersal fish abundance in the Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The abundance is expressed as a number of individuals per normalized trawl set. Each species is...
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2014 to 2023 pelagic fish abundance in the Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The abundance is expressed as a number of individuals per normalized trawl set. Each species is...
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PURPOSE: In this study, we examined the structure and function of the Southampton Island marine food web across 149 species of benthic and pelagic invertebrates, fishes, marine...
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This dataset derives from a series of beam trawl tows conducted during several research surveys in coastal areas of the St. Lawrence Estuary, between Portneuf-sur-Mer and...
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Emerald Basin on the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia, Canada, is home to a globally unique aggregation of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi, first documented in the region in...
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