Effective fisheries and habitat management processes require knowledge of the distribution of areas of high ecological or biological significance. On the Scotian Shelf and...
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The excessive input of nitrogen derived from human land-use activities remains a major cause of the eutrophication of coastal ecosystems around the world. However, little data...
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Moored instrument time series data include current velocity, temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence, transmissivity, turbidity, and particle capture of carbon, nitrogen,...
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Towfish (sidescan and video) and echo sounder surveys were utilized to examine bottom type and macrophyte cover within the area of two coastal marine finfish aquaculture sites,...
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Canadian Anchorages and Anchorage Areas is comprised of four shapefiles which include anchorage areas (ACHARE) and single ship anchorages (ACHBRT). The shapefiles are either one...
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Zooplankton samples were collected at Ocean Station "P" (50.0000, -145.0000) from 1956 to 1980, and were analyzed to various levels of taxonomic resolution over the years....
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Catch, effort, location (latitude and longitude), and associated biological data from the Eulachon Migration Study Bottom Trawl surveys - South on the coast of British Columbia....
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This layer details Important Areas (IAs) relevant to key invertebrate species (which are not corals or sponges) in the West Coast Vancouver Island (WCVI) ecoregion. This data...
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Geographic bathymetric grid data at 100 m x 100 m pixel resolution. Datum: WGS84 Collaboration of Canada, the United States of America and the European Union as part of the...
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The Copper Redhorse (Moxostoma hubbsi) is the only fish whose distribution is exclusively restricted to Quebec. This range is restricted even further to the St. Lawrence River...
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Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys osculus) are listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) as endangered. These fresh water fish, of the family Cyprinidae, are found in Canada only in...
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Catch, effort, location (latitude and longitude), and associated biological data from groundfish multi-species longline surveys on the northern British Columbia coast, excluding...
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This layer details Important Areas (IAs) relevant to key fish species in the West Coast Vancouver Island (WCVI) ecoregion. This data was mapped to inform the selection of marine...
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Phytoplankton pigments, determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) have been measured on DFO La Perouse cruises since 2011. Surface samples are taken along a...
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Sponge reefs are constructed by hexactinellid (glass) sponges of the Order Hexactinosida. The sponges trap fine sediments, and over centuries of sponge growth and sediment...
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Phytoplankton pigments, determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are measured seasonally along a 20-station transect in the Juan de Fuca / Strait of Georgia...
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Changes in phytoplankton abundance and community composition have the potential to impact the entire food web and alter ecosystem productivity and biogeochemical cycles....
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The European Green Crab (EGC) is a high-risk global invader that can devastate coastal marine ecosystems by displacing native species, degrading and disturbing native habitats...
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Herring Permanent Spawn Transects (geodatabase) - used for herring spawn survey program and spatial analysis/presentation of spawn data from Herring Stock Assessment Database...
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