This dataset is retired See "RSMT Directory of Records Readme" file The City holds or has control of a wide number of general records and personal information banks. All of...
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This dataset has been retired See "RCS Authoritative Source Readme" file. The Records Series Management Tool (RSMT) manages the Records Classification System (RCS) which is used...
File available for download in the following formats:
This dataset has been retired See "RCS Authoritative Source Readme" file. The Records Series Management Tool (RSMT) manages the Records Classification System (RCS) which is used...
File available for download in the following formats:
These datasets contains meeting data for Council, Community Council and Standing Committee meetings for the full 2010-2014 term of Council and the 2014-2018 term of Council to...
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Proclamations are used for public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns, arts and cultural celebrations and special honours on the recommendation of the Mayor.
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The City Clerk's Office is responsible for conducting polls on behalf of City divisions. Polls are conducted to establish the opinions of residents and businesses on various...
File available for download in the following formats: