Catalogue Entry: Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery
This image service contains Yukon government medium resolution satellite imagery. Resolutions range from 150 cm to 5 m. All imagery in this service is licensed for Yukon...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Placer Claims Grant Number Annotation - 30k
A placer claim is a parcel of land located or granted for placer mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things... -
Catalogue Entry: Water Features - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Hydrographic Point Features. -
Catalogue Entry: Roads Annotation - 1M
Road annotation captured at 1:1,000,000 scale against the Digital Chart of the World base from the Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Surveys & Mapping Branch... -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Parks and Protected Areas Information
Created for distribution by the GeoYukon application as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available Parks and Protected Areas information in the Yukon Government. This... -
Catalogue Entry: Spot Heights - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Contour Points - Spot Heights -
Catalogue Entry: Physiographic Annotation - 10k
1:10K Physiographic Features (hills, mtns, etc.) Annotation -
Catalogue Entry: Wetlands - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Wetlands -
Catalogue Entry: Watercourses Annotation - 10k
1:10K Watercourse (line features) Annotation -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Inventory Photo Numbers Annotation - 40k
This annotation displays air photo centre point numbers. The associated air photos from these flight lines are used in the interpretation of the Forest Inventory polygon... -
Catalogue Entry: Watercourses Annotation - 50k
Watercourse annotation captured at 1:50,000 scale. Part of the digital NTDB (National Topographic Data Base) from NRCAN (Natural Resources Canada) -
Catalogue Entry: Air Photo Locations
Location of centre points of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flightline index maps -
Catalogue Entry: Industrial Annotation - 10k
1:10K Industrial sites and other place names -
Catalogue Entry: Physiographic Line - 50k
1:50,000 NTDB Physigraphic Line Features Based on Edition 2.x. -
Catalogue Entry: Wetlands - 50k
1:50,000 NTDB Wetlands Based on Edition 2.x. -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation - 50k
1:50,000 NTDB Vegetation Areas -Forested Areas Based on Edition 2.x. -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Geological Information
Created for distribution by the GeoYukon application as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available Geological information in the Yukon Government. This data may be used... -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Inventory Annotation - Whitehorse - 10k
A 1:10,000 version of annotation labels for the Whitehorse Vegetation Inventory. The field work for the inventory was carried out during the winter of 2004/2005 with the project... -
Catalogue Entry: Contours - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Contour Lines. -
Catalogue Entry: Vegetation Inventory - 5K
This feature delineates forest and vegetation stands in the Yukon at a scale of 1:5,000. It is an operational level forest inventory (as opposed to a management level). This...